Page 103 of Reckless Covenant

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There isn’t just love in those eyes. There is an obsession that eats at him, because he has to subdue it like a caged beast. And I cannot do anything but admire how much he forces that just for me. To give me space, to let me grow and be whoever I need to be. He holds back out of fucking respect, and there’s no way I would need anything more than that from the man I love.

“However”—he stops my train of thought yet again—“don’t mistake my respect for lack of passion. Because I will do everything in my power to make you mine. I would go through what we’ve been through all over again if I had to, because we belong together, and I know you know that too. You are meant to be my wife and I your husband, and I will wait for you to find the person you’re supposed to be, but make no mistake, Little Eve, my ring will still end up on your finger. No matter how much you will delay it… I am yours, and you are mine.”

I cock my head slightly, lifting one eyebrow as I look at the man that was always meant to be mine. I’m not sure if he caught on to the slight insecurity in his speech, no matter how confident he is… there is a tinge of fear that I will reject him, that I will ask for that annulment. One corner of my lips quirks up, and he narrows his eyes in slight confusion, like a man feeling mocked, and I can’t help but release the smile I’ve held back, because he is so fucking right… heismine and I am his. We’re restarting our journey somewhere in the middle, but it’s exactly where I need to be.

“You’re mine, Vincent.”

“Till death do us part?” He smiles, sweet and devastating at the same time.

“Till death do us part.”

