Page 102 of My Kind of Monster

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“Don't worry. I'll go for a shower and do them myself when I'm back. You're not here to cook for us.” I say to her as I give her hand a slight squeeze.

“I know, Niklas. I just need to feel useful.”

I know what she means. She needs to feel like she's not a prisoner in this house, she needs some sort of control and since there's not much she can do around here... she makes herself useful in the kitchen. Christ... is it bad that she kind of reminds me of my mother? That woman always has to do something, dad has to force her to relax most of the time.

“Okay. If that's what you want to do, go for it. I just wanna make sure you know you don't have to.”

She smiles at me, a sweet smile that makes me feel more than I should from just one small quirk in the corner of her lips. She's fucking gorgeous, her old-world beauty takes me by surprise even now... when I've seen her every single day for... how long has it been? It certainly feels like months... I let go of her hand as she goes to the fridge and head after Connor up the stairs.

Years... it's definitely been years since she's been haunting my dreams.

“You know...” I turn around to see Connor stopped in the doorway to the bathroom. “She reminds me of someone.”

I don't say anything, instead I stand before my bedroom door, waiting to hear more.

“Strange... not always though, but sometimes she just reminds of something... Oh, never mind.”

I know what he's thinking, and the grin I give him startles him, and his brows furrow as he cocks his head.

“No, never mind. See you in a bit.”

I can't help but laugh to myself. It didn't take him long to see similarities that somehow both me and her missed. In all fairness, we had other things to focus on, like the electrifying lust that somehow engulfs both of us. Not to mention that the banshee doesn't really look like her, it does... but it doesn't. However, it is her, it represents her and it's all that matters.

When I'm done with the shower and come back downstairs, Suki is getting a salad ready, the sandwiches already portioned on three different plates. I start walking towards her, but something catches my eye. I head to the coffee table and stare in awe at the multitude of sketches spread all over it. Sketches of my house... the bathroom with the bathtub and the view... the shower and the view... the porch and the view... the bedroom and the view. She loves this house... and she definitely loves this view.

And they're beautiful... not soft, not polished, not finished drawings... rough and sketchy, but beautiful. It makes me smile because no matter how much she tells me of herself... this here offers me a different view. Every stroke is chaotic, yet deliberate and strong, some strokes feel angry, while still calculated. Like handwriting, every stroke, every indent, the leaning direction, every curve, it all means something.

I look at them and I know for sure that there will always be something new to discover of her. Always. I'm glad, as much as I want to know every single piece of this woman, every nook and cranny, every secret, everything... I crave the hunt, the discovery, I want to enjoy peeling the layers.

“So, how is the snowmobile going?” her low-toned voice pulls me out of my train of thought.

“Not quite done yet. We took it apart and of course it threw a curveball at us. Hopefully it will be done soon.” I sit at the island as she pushes a plate of sandwiches and the salad bowl towards me.

“So, how come you need it fixed? Do you ride it for fun?” she asks as she sits down beside me.

“Yeah, a lot of the times. Sometimes it's useful when I go hunting. However, when it's like this, the snow so fresh, it's almost impossible to take it out. The snow needs to be a bit more compacted.”

“Makes sense.” She puts a salad leaf in her mouth and nods.

“Do you really want to leave, Suki?” My question startles her. Her mouth falls open, her eyes grow wide, and I swear to god her heart stops because she's so fucking still, she could be a statue.

“Ohhh, that looks good! Thank you, Suki.” Connor walks in, sits beside Suki on the third chair and pulls the last plate of sandwiches. “Suki... are you okay?” He furrows his brows as he taps her shoulder.

“Yes, sorry. No problem, I hope you enjoy.” She turns to face her plate, but not before giving me one last confused look. “So, compared to San Francisco, how are you finding small town life?” Suki talks to Connor, and I can tell she is comfortable with him. There's an ease in her speech and I can't help but feel jealous of it. Beyond her lusting over this damn man, she feels comfortable with him. I'm fairly sure that in the last fifteen minutes she asked him more questions than she's ever asked me. I can't help but roll my eyes.

“What?!” Connor asks.

“I didn't say anything.” I put my hands up and smile.

“Mhm, like anyone could have fucking missed that eyeroll. I love small town life.” He turns his attention back to Suki. “I craved it after everything that happened.”

“What do you mean?”

“Justice is not always on our side, and unfortunately, no matter how hard we try... some motherfuckers slip through the cracks.”

At his words, her head snaps to me. She knows what happens with some of the ones that slip through. I grin and her head quirks ever so slightly and there's a noticeable spark in her eyes. Her efforts are growing, she's trying harder and harder to fight her nature.

“So, it was frustration that brought you here?” Suki turns her attention back to him, yet her eyes flicker towards me once in a while.
