Page 119 of My Kind of Monster

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“What? Where?!” She places her glass on the table a bit too hard.

“Falbridge, Nevada,” Connor takes over. “We're going to go there, see if we can find something, if we can jog your memory.” She looks at him, an uneasy look in her eyes, and Suki and I exchange subtle glances. One would jump in ecstasy in this situation, yet she looks weary of what she could find there.

“Thank you.” She smiles at Connor and suddenly I feel like a third wheel. Yet as I gaze at Suki, I realize she feels like the fourth one. She gives me a knowing cheeky grin, and I know that, yet again, her and I have mirroring thoughts. “So, Suki, did you sell your apartment? Is it all done now?” She turns her attention to the gorgeous woman sitting beside me.

“It is, yes. Signed the contract last week and I thought it would be strange, but somehow... I felt relief. Breaking all ties with that place, that city, felt good.” Connor is still unaware of the extents of her past, of what her mother did to her... or vice versa. He is unaware of what Suki did to Adrien, for that matter, and it will stay that way. All he knows is that Adrien got what he deserved and that was enough information for him.

By the time evening comes, we are all spent, the alcohol is almost finished, and Connor decides it's time for the two of them to retire.

“Thanks for coming.” Suki hugs both of them as they're about to go out the door. “It was a great birthday... it's been a long time since I got to celebrate with anyone.” She gives her small innocent smile and all I want to do is gather her in my arms and promise her that it will never ever happen again. But this is not the time.

“We'll see you soon, okay?” Connor smiles, and they both walk out the door. We watch the headlights of the truck disappear down the dark mountain road.

“I wonder how long until they start fucking their brains out.” Suki asks as she heads to the dining table, cleaning up our mess.

I can't help but laugh as I watch her sweet, domesticated ass clean up after a dinner party we hosted. Perfectly fucking ordinary. Yet we both know that this is a contrast to most of our favorite activities. Two weeks ago, after we finished sorting out and packing up her old apartment, we killed a man. Together. Like a celebration. Then we got rid of him in the Black Hills. I revel in this. Seeing the transformation, the way her eyes brighten up more and more every single day... she's happy. And I with her.

“Not sure.” I finally reply as I help her carry plates to the kitchen. “Wouldn't be surprised if they have started already.”

“Seriously?!” She smirks. “You could cut the pent-up sexual tension with a knife. No way they have already done it, and I could bet that Connor is the one with the high moral compass.” She laughs as she rinses all the dishes and slides them in the dishwasher.

“Yeah, I think you're right with that,” I agree.

“Can you please go to the bedroom and bring me your hoodie? The brown one please? Should be in the wardrobe,” she asks as she finishes up the perfectly mundane task.

Almost ten minutes later, I'm still searching our bedroom for this goddamn hoodie, yet it's nowhere to be found. I open the door to the terrace to check the lounge chairs. Nothing. Yet the smell of the looming spring hits my nostrils and I linger for a few more seconds. It's a mild night, the moon high on the starry sky and the snow is melting, the crowns of the trees, the green of the pines, visible now.

I'm just about to go in when the night fills with the sirens song.

Her sharp screams invade my senses and I can feel them on my tongue. There's no fear in them anymore, only challenge and anticipation. My dick springs to fucking attention. Months ago fear was my ecstasy, now... Suki is.

I run through the house and out the door and as a second scream echoes through the forest, I follow it and run.

I run for my fucking siren, and she better wish she is fast enough.


I do not know what got into me. Maybe the looks Niklas kept giving me today, maybe the fact that with company around I could not do what I craved every single time he gave me his sinful grin, but all of a sudden that primordial need overtook me.

I needed my monster. I needed the chase, the anticipation, the feel of danger on my heels. I needed the hunt.

I run through the forest, the snow thin and easy to navigate, yet I know I am still leaving a trail through it, far too easy for Niklas to follow. I push myself harder, jumping over the dips and mounds of the uneven terrain, struggling to find the right path through the dark, eerie forest. I stumble several times, yet the chase fills my soul with a delicious sense of dread.

I do not fear Niklas anymore, not even close, yet the fact that I ran out into the night, ran away from him, fills me with enough anticipation. I know he thrives on this, on the hunt, and he is not the only thing chasing me right now, his demons and the monster are eager to get their greedy hands on me. All bets are off and my own demons howl.

Niklas threatened me... there are games still left to play, and I have a feeling the rest of our life is not enough for all he has in store for me.

My calves burn, my feet start hurting, and each cold breath starts to feel like barbed wire on my lungs. Yet I push, each step is another rush of adrenaline through my veins and my core tightens with need. There's a surge of anticipation wreaking havoc through my body, starting from my pussy and spreading like wildfire until it reaches my skin, bursting into goosebumps that feel electrified.

And I scream again, unable to contain the rush.

I feel him on my heels before I can even hear him. His eyes on the back of my neck spread a heat through me, fire on my damp skin and I smile. Oh, how I fucking smile. Before I can revel in this feeling, my foot catches on something and I stumble forwards, but a strong arm catches my waist, before I hit the cold forest floor. I yelp and try to break free, my hands grabbing anything in sight, but he flips me over before I get any traction. My back slams on the rough ground and before I can make sense of his intentions, he crashes over me, his teeth sinking into the nape of my neck and a rush of pain spreads fast through my body. My pain-filled scream morphs when he forces his hand into my jeans and two thick fingers rip through my pussy sinking so goddamn deep, ecstasy mixing with the pain in my neck.

I thought I knew enough to be blissfully unafraid of him; however, the moment he releases my neck, pulls his hand from my core, and rips my jeans in half, my soul trembles. Involuntarily, I scramble backwards, but he is here, straddling my thighs, his thick erection straining against his jeans and a second later the t-shirt I am wearing turns into scraps of fabric hanging around my naked body.

He grabs my throat, squeezing the sides, my lungs fighting for air, and his lips crash down on mine. This is not a kiss, this a possessive storm wreaking havoc on me, yet it ends too soon. He shifts, bracing himself on one hand, his thighs nudging my legs and sliding under, spreading me open for him. His eyes bore into mine, and I am suddenly still, the hunger in his seeping out through heaving breaths.

“Touch yourself, little siren. Sink those fingers in your tight cunt until you feel it twitch around them.” His words vibrate through me, and I know my pussy is twitching already. I do as I am told, dragging it out, circling my hard nipples first, slowly dragging my fingers between my breasts, down my belly, around my belly button, and I know, even though his eyes do not move from mine, he can see what I am doing. The hunger in his eyes turns feral and I know I am playing with that fire.
