Page 13 of My Kind of Monster

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Running through the untouched snow straight downhill, towards the thick trees, I hear him further back behind me. I know for a fact that he can catch me with ease. He’s fitter, bigger, stronger, faster, and I don’t know if I’m smart enough to escape him.

I reach the trees and I feel it, a deep sense of freedom within their shadow. Déjà vu hits me like a slap to the face as I realize that I was in the same situation last night. It was a different time of day and a different monster, but I still feel like I’m caught in a disturbed loop.

How did my life come to this?

I dodge trees, jump over big stones, my feet burning from the friction with the cold snow. Yet, I feed on the pain and use it as fuel to take me further. There’s pain in my side as well, a familiar pain, and even though the snow has only touched my feet, my side feels wet.

I don't dwell, for some reason I know I need to run. Strangely though, I'm not sure where this flight instinct came from, I felt a different kind of danger when I opened my eyes. One that has nothing to do with the fear I've been feeling over the last few months, and my body feels charged.

I don’t look back. I don’t know how long I have been running or how close he is to me, but I don’t dare to find out. At this moment in time, I'm free. I feel like I can do this, I feel like I have a shot.

This sense of victory is short lived… Of course, it is.

Suddenly, something solid hits me from behind so hard that it knocks the air straight out of me. Screaming involuntarily, I stumble forward and fall on the thick snow.

It all happens in slow motion, somehow.

My arms aren't fast enough to protect my head from the fall. My breath catches in my lungs. The heavy pressure pushes me deeper into the snow that grazes my naked body. A solid arm slides under my head way too fast, protecting me from the fall.

Ironic really. He’s protecting his prey.

I try to push myself up, but he’s too heavy. I try to drag myself forward, but again, he’s solid. His strong arm that protected me from the fall is right beneath me, and on impulse, I sink my teeth into it as hard as I can. His blood trickles and a flame sparks inside of me. The sweet, rich taste fills my mouth, and it feels like fuel for my soul, charging me with a power I thought had long left my body. I can feel it, seeping from my body to my soul and with every shiver spreading under my skin... I feel alive.

He growls, startled by the pain and lifts himself for a second, just enough for me to drag myself forward from under him. But I’m too slow and he’s too fast. With one hand, he grabs one of my feet and drags me back, scraping my body on the thick snow, my breasts burning as I kick back and scream as hard as my lungs can take it. I try to pull myself forward again but to no avail.

He's back on top of me and my demons roar, filling me with a sense of victory. A victory I do not want anymore... at least I did not think I wanted...

His weight is on my lower body, one hand splayed next to my head and as I feel the other wrapping in my hair, he pulls it so fast that it gives me whiplash. My head is bent so far backwards that my neck hurts, my hair is wrapped in his fist and his hot breath is on that sensitive spot, right behind my ear.

My body stills, yet the shivers that run through it are loud. I am not sure what my next move should be, because there is something lurking behind the fear that dominates me now. As I feel his hard cock twitching against my ass and my screwed up, betraying body twitching in response, I realize what lurks behind that fear.

Run, you idiot! Run!

I yell at myself, urging my body to do something, anything else than get wet at the feel of the beautiful, wild behemoth pinning me down. At the burning sensation he leaves on my scalp as he holds my hair in his strong hand. At the sheer power he has over me.

As if reading my mind, he pushes his cotton covered cock harder between my ass cheeks and as the rocks beneath me dig into my flesh, I scream. I scream hard, pain and lust mixing together in this fucked up concoction that fuels parts of my body that I thought to be long gone.

Yet he pushes harder, grabbing my hip with his free hand, his fingers digging in hard, holding me in place.

“That’s it, little siren, sing for me.” His low, rough voice sends shockwaves throughout my body, just as his cock grinds between my ass cheeks and his fingers bruise my flesh.

I feel pain on my front as I am pushed harder into the forest floor, pain as he bruises my hip, pain as he forcefully pulls my hair, bending my neck backwards. Yet, pleasure floods every single fiber of my being.

And I scream! Oh, how I fucking scream.

My flesh betrays me in ways I cannot control. My mind wanders and memories of the person I used to be come back to me. I almost remember who I was, the dark woman chasing the ride of her life. Searching for monsters that could rule her, for demons that could fight her own.

I shiver as those memories flood my mind.

Suddenly, he sinks his teeth into my shoulder, and I scream harder as I feel the hot trickling of blood running down. His hand lets go of my hip, and the next thing I know, his dick is no longer grinding between my ass cheeks, but his hand is.

Without warning, he pushes something between my folds, straight inside my pussy. I moan and scream at the same time as I feel, what seems like two thick fingers, stretching me. He’s pushing violently in and out of my core, stroking nerves I did not even know I had, filling me with feral sensations I did not know I could feel.

My ass instinctively lifts off the ground and I curse my betraying body again. Screams and moans that leave my throat meld together as I all but grind myself on him, his fingers fucking my pussy so hard I think I’m going to break in half and the world will explode into chaos.

He pulls my hair harder, forcing me to lift on my elbows and the pain mixes with the sick, dirty pleasure that he’s giving me. This here is true danger, he is ripping my body away from my mind—the one that knows that it has to flee from the one that craves to stay.

I feel like a goddamn whore!
