Page 15 of My Kind of Monster

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Chapter 4


I am so damn confused. He saves me, he threatens me, he chases me, he all but rapes me, and now he stopped it all so he can tend to my wounds?!

I am upside down, draped on his shoulder like some sort of hunting trophy and I wonder how worthless my life has become. When did I become an object, everyone’s plaything?

After escaping one screwed up man, I was not expecting to land in the arms of a delusional one that keeps calling me “siren”.

What the hell is that about?

Even though I hate to admit that deep down I am not hating if he is implying that I have the same effect on him that sirens had on sailors, but I most definitely do not want that. I do not want to catch his attention, to be noticed… I just want to leave.

I do… don’t I?

Flashbacks of when he pinned me on the ground run through my mind and my naked body warms instantly. He awakens something in me… something I thought was long lost, beaten down by the son of a bitch that held me prisoner for too long.

This beast of a man forced himself on me, and my demons gasped. Pinned me down, and my demons shivered. Then bit into my flesh and shoved his tongue, laced with my blood, into my mouth… and my demons sang.

I do not quite understand what is happening to me. It was pain that chased my soul away… and a different kind of pain seems to be calling it back.

Yet, it was not the same… right? He was giving me pleasure even before he finger fucked me so close to sweet oblivion that I’m kind of disappointed I ran before I came. The way his body connected with mine, the look in his deep blue eyes, his grip on me; it was all different. He devoured me like I was his last meal and he had to indulge to the point he licked the damn plate.

I should have let him lick the plate.

It most definitely is not the same as it was with Adrien. Somehow it feels worse.

There’s menace in his eyes and my body is not the only one in danger. This monster feels familiar in a way I can’t explain. The danger I’m in now is different, completely unpredictable, and my soul is already shattered, my heart fractured.

I fear that this time around… I won’t survive.

— ‡ —

He walks me back into the warm living area of the cabin and I’m dizzy from being upside down… or is it because I’m bleeding? This time around he takes me up the stairs to the first floor, where I see more hardwood floors and paneled walls, thick wool rugs, and a few doors along a corridor. We walk through one and he sets me down.

I stumble back and hit the cold toilet, but he steadies me, his big hands on my shoulders.

Dark navy walls, almost black, surround me. I lift my eyes to my right, and I admire the natural wood vanity, over the counter stone sink and the simple, thin, brass-rimmed mirror above it.The mountain man has taste, interesting.Thick, fluffy towels sit on various shelves on the wall to my right, and I fail to remember the last time something similar touched my skin. The door is on the wall opposite me and I wonder if I should run, but as my sore feet sink deeper into the thick bath mat, I think against it.

This bathroom feels rugged, masculine and rustic, yet modern and so cozy. I can’t help but admire it.

I turn to the left, and I’m not sure what hits me when the incredible view assaults me. Potentially the biggest, deepest bathtub I’ve ever seen sits in front of the most beautiful view and I am convinced nothing will ever top this. The window covers the entire wall and that gorgeous view of the snow-covered mountains and the valleys that run between them is framed by two old pines. Like a giant painting masterpiece, a living one.

It's surreal, ethereal… it's addictive.

I cannot help but wonder, does this big, burly man enjoy soaking in a bubble bath? I almost smirk, but it never reaches my features.

I sit on the toilet and do everything in my power to rip my gaze from that view. I'm watching him as he leans over the bathtub and turns the faucets on. I could actually escape right now, get up and run, he wouldn’t be able to catch me in time. But where? Where would I go and how exactly would I get there? In my current state, I won’t get far before hypothermia hits. Plus, last night in the woods, I decided to come with him myself. I need to stay; I need to be smart about this—find the right time.

And that bathtub looks so inviting… I haven’t taken a proper bath in months, and I haven’t actually soaked in a body of water for all that time. I need a damn bath.

Adrien did not allow such luxuries. I got a bucket of lukewarm water and a rag, or at most, a shower under a hose and somehow, it was still my fault I was not clean enough for him.

That one treats his women well, for sure. I mentally roll my eyes at the thought. Yes… he fooled me though. I am the picture-perfect example of what not to do on the internet. They should put me on one of those posters made by the police to warn idiots, gullible and vulnerable people. Idiots like me apparently.


I turn around and watch her. She’s lost in thought, sitting meekly on the toilet, clutching her hands between her legs. All naked and bruised, broken inside and out.
