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He dismissed her fears with a smile and repeated, “There isn’t anything she can do besides talk Reggie out of his shares, and I already spoke to him. When he retires, he’ll sell his stock to me.”

Katie worried he was underestimating his sister-in-law. Poppy wasn’t going to simply back down and allow Chase to continue on as CEO. She wanted her husband to have that position. Katie had the feeling Poppy would do anything to attain her deepest desires.

“I don’t want to go back to the lake house tomorrow,” she announced. When he looked at her with surprise in his eyes, she added, “Let me come to the office and at least get things straightened out for your next temp.”

He grinned. “You think you’re indispensable, don’t you?”

“I know I am.” She silently challenged him with her own grin. “I have a certain way of doing things, and I don’t want the temps you hire to mess it up. I’ll eventually train a replacement, when the time comes.”

“How are you doing?” Chase asked. He reached across the table and placed his large hand on top of hers. “You had me worried earlier, but you look better now, more color in your cheeks. Do you feel okay?”

His caring tone almost brought tears to her eyes. It had been a long time since someone had worried about her. She pasted on a smile that she hoped looked genuine. “I’m fine. I swear. Just tired.”

“I can sleep on the couch.”

His offer warmed her heart, and her desire for him grew. Without weighing the consequences, she got up and went around the table. She trailed fingertips along his broad shoulders. Sensual heat drove her. She took the initiative and gave him a silent invitation with her eyes.

She took his hand and pulled.

He stood without hesitation. His chocolate brown eyes melted with desire, and she found herself drowning in them. Raising her face as his mouth descended with a greedy intensity, she held on tight. Shaken, she clung to his strong arms and kissed him with a matching passion that left her breathless.

She wanted to feel his hands on her body everywhere. They slid up her arms and grasped her flesh with tender pressure. Then he was pushing her away.

“You need to rest,” he said. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

The rejection stung. She turned her face away and blinked her eyes rapidly to keep tears from forming. Didn’t he find her attractive? Maybe he figured she was pregnant by now, so he didn’t want her anymore. That hurt more than she expected.

“Goodnight then,” she said in a terse voice.

She tried to go to the bedroom, but his hand on her arm restrained her. She couldn’t get away without revealing how much he’d hurt her. That would make him think she cared about him, that she was falling for him. No way was that true. It was just her pride that stung, she reassured herself.

“Did you eat something?” he asked. “You need restandfood.”

“Are you worried about me or your potential heir?”

He blinked. “Excuse me?”

“I doubt I’m pregnant yet, but even if I am, skipping a meal or missing a little sleep won’t hurt the baby. You can relax. I will deliver on my promise.”

He stared at her with wide eyes and a slack jaw. “That’s what you think I’m concerned about?”

She threw her hands up. “Of course. It’s all you think about, isn’t it? Your position as CEO is everything to you, so naturally you’re worried something will go wrong and you won’t get your heir. Well, rest assured, Mr. Grayson, I will do everything in my power to make sure you don’t lose your precious company.”

He looked like he wanted to say something more, but she didn’t wait to hear it. She stormed into the bedroom without another word and prayed he wouldn’t follow. Although, part of her wanted him to chase after her. She slammed the door and leaned back against it as tears filled her eyes. What was wrong with her? She didn’t have feelings for him, so why did his rejection hurt worse than a dagger in her heart?

Chapter Nine

Weeks later, when Katie heard Chase’s car pull up the drive, excitement fluttered to life beneath her breast, and a fresh wave of anger followed. Instead of calling her directly, he’d had his new temp-of-the-day pass on the message that he had left the country on business. She’d expected to hear from him after that, but he barely touched base with her, just a terse voice message after three days. He’d be home tonight. That was the message. Simple and to the point.

She opened the lake house’s front door and waited for him. Her anger lessened slightly at the sight of his face. Shadows tinged the skin beneath his eyes, and the lines around his mouth seemed extra prominent.

For a moment, she had the urge to wrap her arms around him and give him a hug. But that would be a mistake. She couldn’t keep up the pretense that she didn’t have any feelings for him if she showed him any affection.

She stepped to the side as he entered. “I realize this is just a marriage of convenience, but I will not be treated like a common servant.”

He gave her an odd look she couldn’t quite decipher. “Duly noted.” His gaze swept over her as if he had forgotten what she looked like. “Is there anything else you want to say before I take a shower? It was a long plane trip, and this was my first stop.”

“Why didn’t you tell me you were going to Hong Kong? I had to hear it from my replacement.”
