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“That’s because I knew the great Chase Grayson wouldn’t put up with opinions that didn’t match his own, so I bit my tongue at work.”

“You make me sound like a crappy boss.”

“Not at all. I actually appreciate knowing where you stand on things. I don’t challenge you at work because you’re the boss... there.” She took a deep breath. “That wasMs. Greer, your humble secretary. But as you pointed out, I’mMrs. Grayson now, and I will not be bullied or treated like an underling.”

“If you think I’d want to be married to a doormat, you don’t know me either. I don’t want a yes-woman at work. I would welcome hearing your opinions... as long as you realize the final decisions are always mine.”

Her anger cooled, and she flexed her aching fingers. It seemed to her that he was prepared to be reasonable. That made her feel slightly better. “Did you even consider asking me if I wanted to live here?”

“You don’t like the house?”

“That’s not the point. Maybe I want to be in the city. Maybe I want to continue at my job until there is actually a baby to care for. Maybe I would just like to be consulted on things that affect my life.”

“Fair enough.”

“If you leave me here and just visit on weekends, it could take forever for me to get pregnant. We don’t have time to play with this. You are the one that brought me into this mess and got me all excited about a baby.”

“What do you suggest we do?” he asked. “My apartment is way too small, and I don’t think you want to move onto the family estate.”

She cringed.No, definitely don’t want to do that.

“Compromise?” She lifted a finger as she made her choice clear. “I’ll work three days a week, and we’ll stay together in your small apartment on those nights and get me pregnant.”

He grinned, deepening his dimples. “What about the rest of the week?”

“I’ll be here, getting the house ready for the baby.”

He stood and stretched as if he’d been sitting bent over the computer for far too long. Moving towards the large bay window, he gestured to the lake. “My father bought this house for the view. He used to come here every once in a while to decompress, and he left my mother at home. I think she suspected he was having an affair, but he just loved staring at the lake and contemplating life.”

Katie joined him in front of the window and gazed out at the lake. The crystal blue water rippled slightly as the wind blew across the surface. “Did you come here with your father?” she asked just to keep the conversation going.

“Sometimes. Billy and I used to beg to take the jet skis out every single day.” He shrugged. “That was a long time ago.”

Katie stared at the lake and tried to imagine Chase as a fun-loving boy, but the picture wouldn’t solidify. Grayson’s workaholic CEO didn’t have a playful bone in his gorgeous body. She was sure of it.

“What happened to you?” she asked. He looked taken aback, and she shook her head before starting over. “When I first came to work for you, I heard all these stories about this wild, adventurous man named Chase Grayson. Honestly, I thought he was someone I could enjoy working for, but you are nothing like him. What happened?”

Were the stories exaggerated?

He blinked.

Then he sighed and leaned back in his chair. “I had to grow up. After my father died, I took over as CEO without much warning. Billy continued on with his crazy lifestyle, but I had to change. I had to become a leader.”

“Can’t you be a good CEO and still have fun?”

“Not according to my father.” He made a face. “And when am I supposed to have fun? I barely have time to sleep.”

A wave of sadness washed over her. He had the weight of thousands of employees, a multitude of businesses under one corporate umbrella, his family, and his father’s legacy on his shoulders. “I’m sorry I didn’t get to meet him.”

“Who? My father?”

“The wild Chase Grayson.”

He grinned. “Careful what you wish for.”

She walked to the door. “I assume you’ll be working late tonight. I have a giant headache anyway.”

He groaned, but he wore a teasing grin. “Headaches already? Guess the honeymoon is over.”
