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He was tall and wiry. Not bulked up, like a couple of the bodyguards her parents had hired for her and Jack. But she bet that beneath those jeans and that hoodie, his muscles were chiseled. Hard. The kind that would beg to be touched.

Don’t lie to yourself, Sierra. You never have before, and this isn’t the time to start.

Rolling her eyes at herself, she conceded that Cody had musclesshewanted to touch.

That would be a disaster. If they got involved, he’d be distracted from his job. So no fantasizing about Cody Parker.

Instead, she’d make herself scarce, focus on her job and stay away from temptation.

Satisfied that she’d put this interest in Cody Parker out of her head, she pulled out her phone and called her office. She needed to know how David Streuven had taken the news she wouldn’t be in the office today to meet with him. When their receptionist answered, Sierra said, “Hey, Shelley. This is Sierra. How’s everything going?”

“Good,” Shelley said confidently. “I called your client and told him you’d been called away by a family emergency. Offered him the option of rescheduling, or coming in and discussing his situation with Janet. I told him Janet would call you to discuss the case, and he opted for that. He’s in with Janet right now.”

“Great,” Sierra said, relieved. Alex had worked hard to get David Streuven in the door, and Sierra would seriously kick herself if they lost him as a client because she’d had to leave town. “Ask Janet to call me after the meeting. And please email me Mr. Streuven’s file. I didn’t take it with me.”

“Will do,” Shelley said, her usual efficient self. “Anything else you need?”

“Not right now, but I’ll call if I do,” Sierra said. “Thanks, Shelley.”

Sierra disconnected the call and slipped the phone into her pocket. Then she grabbed her computer, a legal pad and a pen and trotted down the stairs to the first floor.

Cody was waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs, scowling. Before she reached the bottom step, he said, “Were you on the phone just now?”

“Yeah, I was,” she said with a frown. “I had to call my office. Why do you ask?”

He sighed. “That was going to be part of my instructions -- don’t use your phone. I didn’t think grabbing your phone would be the first thing you did when we got here.”

“Sorry, but I needed to talk to my office. You should have explained about the phone immediately.”

Cody stared at her for a long moment, then sucked in a breath. “You’re right. I didn’t cover that. But I’m telling you now. You can’t use your phone while you’re here.”

“Why the hell not?”

“Because whoever has targeted you might have a tap on your phone. If they do, and you make a call, they’ll be able to trace your location.”

Sierra reared back, shocked. “You should have told me that. So if someone’s tapping my phone, it’s your fault if they were able to locate me.”

“How long was the call?” he asked, frowning.

“Less than two minutes.”

“That’s plenty of time for your enemies to track you down.” He held out his hand. “Hand it over.”

“I don’t think so,” Sierra said, touching the phone in her pocket. “I need to be able to get in touch with my office. With Alex, if she needs to talk to me. With my…” She stumbled, unwilling to mention her brother or her parents. “With several other people.”

“That’s fine. I have a satellite phone. Do you know all the numbers?”

“Yes.” Those numbers were burned into her brain.

“Good. Then whenever you need to call someone, you use the SAT phone. And you tell them to call you at that number.”

“Write down the number and I’ll text it to them right now,” she said.

“Text from the SAT phone,” Cody said, handing it over to her. “Don’t tell them where you are.”

“Duh,” Sierra said, rolling her eyes. She turned away from him and sent a quick text to her parents, her brother Jack and Alex. Janet, since she’d call after David Streuven left. And Shelley. ‘Don’t use my phone number’, she typed into the text box. ‘If you have to get hold of me, call or text 871-443-8456.’

“Done,” she said, handing him back the phone. “Where do you keep it?”
