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He listened for a long moment with no expression. Finally said, “Thanks, Mel,” and hung up the phone.

Sierra wondered what other business he’d had with Mel, but knew it wasn’t her business. Cody was probably involved in other cases besides hers.

She stared at him across the table. “So we’re sitting ducks here,” she said.

“Pretty much.” His eyes flickered, as if he’d expected her to ask about the rest of his call with Mel. When she didn’t, he shoved his fingers through his hair and sighed. “I think Mel’s probably right. The Bratva has a lot going on right now, and I doubt they’ll come after you right away. Alex is safe and protected at the compound. Her ex-husband, the guy who stole their money, is in custody and out of their reach. They still might want to grab you for leverage, but it’ll take them a little time to regroup. So we’re most likely safe here, at least for the time being.”

Sierra frowned. “‘Safe for the time being’ isn’t very reassuring.”

Cody shrugged. “Best I can do, bae.” He froze as the endearment slipped out. Swallowed. Finally muttered, “Sorry.”

Sierra wanted to wrap her arms around him and whisper that it was okay. That she wanted to call him bae, too. Instead, she shrugged. “Don’t worry about it. I know you don’t mean anything by it.”

It hurt to say that so casually, as if what had happened between them last night and this morning meant nothing. But if that was how Cody wanted to play it, she wasn’t going to go all sentimental and clingy on him.

He stared at her for a long moment, and she thought she saw longing in his expression. Need in his eyes. But he nodded. Scrubbed his hands over his face. “Right. Won’t happen again,” he muttered.

Shewantedit to happen again, but she knew it wouldn’t. Cody might think outside the box on a lot of things, but not about his job. When he was protecting someone, he was a straight arrow. Completely focused on his charge. He took no chances with the lives of the people in his charge.

“I’m going up to my room to get some work done,” she said after a long, awkward moment. “We’re courting a new client, and I need to talk to my team.”

He waved toward the stairs, and Sierra thought she might see relief in his expression. “Go ahead.” He held out the SAT. “You gonna need this?”

“Yeah,” she said. “You mind?”

“No. There’s another one in the house. So go ahead and take it. Just don’t answer if it rings. Bring it to me.”

“What if it’s a number I recognize?” she asked. Like Alex. Her brother. Her parents.

Before she’d finished speaking, he shook his head. “Nope. Bring it to me. I always answer it, just in case.”

He didn’t have to explain what ‘just in case’ meant. She got it. If the Bratva got hold of someone she knew and was using her phone, it was better if she didn’t answer.

“Got it,” she said, gripping the phone and heading up the stairs.

She was half-way to her room when the phone rang. She looked at the number, and her heart clenched.Jack.

Spinning around on the stair so quickly that she almost lost her balance, she clattered down the stairs and into the kitchen. Thrust the phone at Cody, who’d stood up. “It’s my… it’s Jack.”

He nodded and pressed the key to take the call. “Yes?”

“Is Sierra there?” Sierra moved closer to Cody so she could hear her brother’s voice.

“Yes, she is. Are you alone? If the answer is no, say ‘just calling to check on her’.”

“Yes, I’m alone,” Jack said immediately.

“Okay, fine. Here she is.”

Cody handed her the phone, and Sierra said, “Hey, Jack, everything okay?” She glanced at Cody and started for the stairs.

“No.” He swallowed, and Sierra froze on the first step.

“What happened?”

“Someone tried to break into my apartment last night,” her brother said. He didn’t sound scared. Just analytical. “He didn’t get in, of course. I have special locks that can’t be picked, and my door is reinforced so it can’t be kicked in. But my security camera showed a man wearing a ski mask over his face. What the hell is going on, Sierra?”

“I can’t tell you right now,” she said. “I have to… to check with someone. Stay inside your apartment. Don’t open the door for anyone, even if it’s someone you know.”
