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“I heard him, but I knew you’d deal with it.” She eased away from him, and his face was close enough to see the belief in her eyes. Her faith in him. “I knew you’d keep me safe.”

“Thank you, Sierra,” he said, brushing his mouth over hers.

“I was so worried about you.” She pressed her mouth into his neck, her warm breath feathering the hair near his ear. “I couldn’t hear a thing. I was afraid they’d killed you. Or captured you. When I heard you coming, I thought it was one of the Russians. My heart was pounding so hard I was afraid they’d hear it.”

He circled his arms around her and buried his face in her hair. She smelled earthy. Dark and alluring. He pressed his mouth to her neck and breathed her in.

Sierra turned her head and found his mouth. Kissed him like they’d been separated for weeks instead of minutes. He opened his mouth to hers, closing his eyes as he tasted her. The coffee they’d both had before they left was sharp on his tongue, and he tasted the sweetness of the donut she’d eaten with her coffee.

The kiss got deeper. Hotter, and he pressed against her. Wanted her.

She clearly wanted him, too, because she reached behind him and gripped his ass. Pulled him even closer.

The kiss went on forever, and he finally pulled away while he still could. In moments, he’d be taking her up against a tree in the darkness. Devouring every inch of her, with no thought for anything else.

As he eased away, he heard the sound of tires screeching as one car, then another pulled into the park. “I think that’s the sheriff,” he said, dragging his hand over her hair one last time. Feathering his fingers over his cheek. “I shouldn’t have…”

Before he could finish his apology, she pressed her fingers to his lips. Her hand trembled against his mouth, and she said, “Don’t you dare apologize to me, Cody Parker. I wanted to kiss you just as much as you wanted to kiss me. More. I had to lie in the dirt while you took care of the Russians. All I could think about was whether you were okay. Whether you got them, or whether you were lying on the ground, injured or dead.”

She pressed her mouth to his one more time, hard, then rocked her hips into his. “The woods are a rule-free zone, just like the safe room. Anytime you have to face down the bad guys is a rule-free zone. Understand?”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said, fighting to hide his smile. She was so damn amazing. So tough and courageous. So cool and collected in the face of danger. How would he survive once this job was over?

Not the time to think about that.

“Let’s go make sure that’s the sheriff.”

* * *

Sierra clutched Cody’s hand as they walked through the darkness toward the bright lights of a police vehicle strobing blue and red ahead of them. Headlights illuminated the area where they’d parked.

When they reached their SUV, she spotted the truck that had followed them into the park, and a second one parked close to it. There were two Williams sheriff’s cars there, and two men inspecting the trucks.

“Hey, Sheriff,” Cody called as he gripped her hand and led her toward the two men. “Thanks for coming all this way. This is probably out of your jurisdiction, but I didn’t know who else to call.”

“We work across jurisdictions when necessary,” the sheriff said easily. He glanced at her, but Cody didn’t introduce her. “I saw your packages in the trucks. I’ve got a couple of men from a closer sheriff’s office on their way to drive the trucks to Williams. I already called the FBI agent who was here last time and she’s on her way.” His face got pink. “She left me her card. Just in case.”

Sierra bit her lip to keep from smiling. Cody didn’t react at all, other than to say, “Good thinking. I’d like these guys in FBI custody ASAP. Before anyone knows they’re missing.”

“Exactly.” The sheriff nodded.

“Do you mind if we take off?” Cody said. “We’re heading south, and I’d like to get going. Got a fire I need to put out,” he said easily.

“Go ahead. These guys aren’t going anywhere. By the time Marianne, uh, Special Agent Saunders shows up, they’ll be in cells in Williams. No reason for you to stick around.”

“Appreciate it, Sheriff,” Cody said. He reached out to shake the sheriff’s hand, his other hand tightening on Sierra’s. “Good to know the farm is protected by such competent people. Appreciate all you’ve done.”

“Just doing our job,” the sheriff said with a shrug.

“And you do it well,” Cody said with a wave as he opened the door for her.

Sierra climbed into the car and strapped on her seatbelt, suddenly exhausted. When Cody climbed into the car, she asked, “Are we still going to Evanston? Or back to the farm?”

“We’re still going to Evanston,” he said as he started the car, waving at the sheriff as they drove out of the park. “There were five Russians. They were the next wave, so there won’t be anyone else tonight. It’ll take them a day or so to realize they’ve lost five more men. Not sure if they’ll send someone back to the farm, or they’ll look in Evanston, but we’re going to Evanston.”

Sierra let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you,” she said quietly.

“It’s going to be late when we get there. Will your brother still be awake?”
