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“I’ll be here,” she said, hugging him back.

“Mind if I check your locks first?” Cody asked. It was Jack’s place, after all. Common courtesy demanded Cody ask permission to check out his security.

“Sure,” Jack said, waving his hand at the door as he strode toward his computer layout. “Have at it. There’s a sliding glass door behind the curtain over there,” he waved toward his work area. “And another one in my bedroom, if you want to check those, too.”

“I’ll do that. Thanks, Jack.”

Jack slid into his seat and woke up all three computers. “No problem,” he said, and it was clear he was no longer focused on Cody and Sierra. “Let me know if you need anything.”

“Will do,” Cody said. Jack’s focus on his job was impressive. Sierra had tried to tell Cody what her brother did, but she’d had a hard time describing it. Probably meant he wouldn’t understand it either, even if Jack tried to explain.

After making sure all the doors were locked and approving of the apartment’s security, Cody stepped over to Sierra. “You going to bed, or you going to stay up with Jack for a while?”

One side of her mouth curled up. “Why would I do that? He’s already forgotten that I’m here.” She sighed. “Besides, I’m exhausted. Even though I slept in the car, I’m still tired. I’ll fall asleep where I’m sitting in a few minutes.”

Cody said, “Okay. I’ll go down and grab our bags.”

“I can help you,” she said, but Cody was already shaking his head.

“No way. You’re staying right here where I know you’re safe. But you might want to wait so you can let me in. I don’t want to pull your brother away from his work. He looks pretty into it.”

“That’s putting it mildly.” She waved him away. “I’ll unlock the door for you,” she said.

Before heading for the door, he paused. “When I come back, don’t touch that door until you hear my voice. And if I say, ‘Hey, honey. I’m home,’ don’t open the door. Call the police immediately.”

“Got it,” she said. “Hold on.” She took a card out of her purse and handed it to him. “This card opens the gate to the garage beneath the building. The spots are marked with the apartment numbers, so park in 3C. The elevator goes down there, but you need the key card to make it work.”

As he took the card from her fingers he brushed his hand over the back of her hand. Lingered there for a few moments longer than a casual brush, then snatched his hand away as he realized what he’d done. Damn it! Not the way to show he was all in on theno touchingthing. “I’ll be right back,” he muttered.

* * *

She nodded as he strode down the hall, his footsteps muffled on the carpet. Once he reached the elevator, she closed the door. Locked it, then paced the floor in front of it. After a few moments, Jack looked over at her and said, “What’s wrong with you, See? You miss him and he’s only been gone thirty seconds?”

“I’m worried about him,” she retorted. “He had to take out five Russians on our way here tonight. And two last night.”

“On his own?” Jack asked, his gaze skeptical.

“Completely on his own. He was right when he said he knew what he was doing.”

Jack frowned. “Where did he get training for that?”

“He said he couldn’t tell me his background. But he’s really good at his job.”

Jack held her gaze. “Just as long as he’s equally good at taking care of you.”

“I’m hisjob, Jack. Of course he’s taking good care of me.”

Jack snorted and turned back to his computer screen. “Are you saying it’s all business between you, See? That’s your story and you’re sticking to it?”

Sierra stared at her brother, shocked. Had he been able to see beneath the surface and feel the current flowing between her and Cody? When had her baby brother become so perceptive?

He shrugged when he saw her staring at him. “Plain as the nose on your face,” he said. “His, too. Frankly, I’m relieved you found a guy like him. I won’t worry so much about you.”

Stunned at Jack’s insight, she managed to say, “There’s nothing between us.”

Jack rolled his eyes. “Whatever you say.”

The elevator dinged, and Sierra hurried toward the door, relieved to end this awkward, uncomfortable conversation. After a few moments, she heard a light rap on the wood. “It’s me, Sierra. Cody.”
