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Several people ran past the house. None of them slowed or looked around. Three of them wore earbuds, and no one watching a house would listen to music or a podcast or the news while they pretended to be a neighbor out for a morning jog. The fourth runner was a woman who flew past the house, glancing at a device on her wrist. Training for a race? A marathon? Cody recognized the behavior, because when he was prepping for a race, he did the same damn thing.

A few minutes after the runner went past, a light came on in Baker’s house. Cody turned to study it. A bathroom, most likely. The glass was obscure, so no one could see into the room. He stilled to listen and heard water thundering into a bathtub. She was taking a shower.

He pulled out his parabolic microphone and listened. Heard nothing but the water. A few minutes later, it stopped. Baker apparently didn’t linger in the shower.

He heard the whine of a hair dryer, followed by the slide of clothing against skin as she dressed. Her footsteps faded as she left this side of the house, and he crept around the back of the house to what he assumed was the kitchen area.

Heard the burble of coffee brewing. The snick of a refrigerator opening, then closing. The rattle of dishes and silverware. Then nothing. Eating her breakfast, maybe.

Time to head around to the front of the house? Ring the doorbell? He’d started to move when he heard her voice.

“Everything okay overnight?”

A pause, then she said, “I’m sorry I woke you up after you’d gone to bed an hour ago, but I’m worried about you. Anything happen during the night? Anyone try to break it? Odd noises? Strange phone calls?”

More silence, then she said, “Okay, that’s good. Keep your guard up and stay in your apartment as much as you can. I’ll let you know if anything else happens. And I’ll keep Mom and Dad in the loop.”

Another pause, then Baker said quietly, “Yeah. I love you, too.”

Probably her brother. Why else would she mention her parents?

She moved through the house with purpose, as if gathering things she needed. Was she planning on running? He needed to stop her before she got into her car. So he hurried around to the front of the house and rang the doorbell.

Her footsteps approached slowly. “Who is it?” she called.

“My name is Cody Parker. I’ve been sent to protect you.”

Out of the corner of his eye he saw a flash of movement in the living room window. Before he could react, it was gone.

“I don’t believe you,” she said. “Go away.”

“I’m telling you the truth. Call Alex Conway. She can confirm I was sent here to protect you.”

“How do you know Alex?” Baker said, her voice wary with suspicion.

“She’s being protected by the same organization that sent me to guard you. Call her and confirm.”

No answer, but he heard the tiny beep of numbers being pushed on a cell phone. A few moments later, Baker said, “Alex? This is Sierra. There’s some guy on my front porch who said he’s here to protect me. You know anything about that?”

Cody couldn’t hear Alex Conway’s answer, but Baker blew out a breath. “Okay, thanks. I’ll let him in the house.”

Another pause, then Baker said. “Yeah, there was an incident last night.” She described the traffic stop, then said, “I’m fine. Instead of getting out of the car, I called the police. The guy drove away when he heard the sirens.”

Silence, then Baker sighed. “Yes. I’ll do as this guy asks. I’ll let him protect me. But who’s going to run the business?”

After another pause, she blew out a breath. “You’re right. Janet is more than capable enough. Keep me posted on what’s going on with you. I’ll do the same. Yeah. Love you, too.”

Suzy Sunshine threw around ‘I love you’s’ like they were nickels. Cody hoped she wasn’t one of those touchy-feely women.

He heard the numbers beeping again. She was making another call. After a few moments, she said, “It’s me. I just talked to Alex. This is about something that’s going on with her. It has nothing to do with any of us. But you should still be careful. I don’t know how anyone could know about my connection to you, but better to play it safe for a few days while I figure this out.” Another beat of silence. “Yeah, I’ll check in with you. Gotta go.”

Cody waited to see if she’d make another call, and she did. It sounded like one of her employees, and she told him or her that she wouldn’t be in today. “I’ll keep you posted,” she said, then disconnected.

He dropped his parabolic mic into his duffel bag moments before Baker opened the front door.

She stared at him through the storm door. Sizing him up. He approved. He would have been disturbed if she’d just opened her door to him.

She had wavy, honey blond hair that fell past her shoulders. Eyes that looked green in the dim light, but could be hazel. She was a tall, slender woman, but she had curves in all the right places. She wore a dark business suit and a light blue shirt.
