Page 15 of The Inmate's Intern

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“I will but first I want you to come over here.”

“Why?” I ask just cause and his eyes roam down my body.

“Because I say so and because you’d do anything for me.”

He remembered. A little giddy, I go over to him and he puts his lips on mine and they’re soft and hard at the same time, just like he is. These are the lips, belonging to the man, I’ll be kissing for the rest of my life. Being with him crushed me and I don’t feel I’m being drastic by going with him. There’s enough love in him to last me more than a lifetime and when he places my hand on his heart its beating just as frantically as when we made love.

“There’s something I need you to tell me,” he says and my brows rise in surprise when his voice cracks in the middle. He cups my face, his mouth serious and I feel a flutter in my stomach. “I’ve already told you I love you and because I love you, I have to know you’ll never leave me.”

He silences me with another kiss. “I’m a fugitive, Porsha. I’ll probably have to stay below the radar for the rest of my life....” He clasps his hands around my upper arms and he grinds his teeth, “I need to make sure you’ll follow me wherever I go, never try sneaking out on me in the middle of the night because you can’t take it anymore...”

“Haven’t you tortured yourself enough...,” I interrupt, locking my mouth over his and I can feel him easing at my quick response. “Don’t doubt me. You know I’m yours.”

Picking me up, he spins me around and I bury my face against him to silence my laughter. A road is waiting ahead of us and the best part about that it’s leading to my future with Giggs.


Giggs-Two years later

Fresh mountain air. It’s what she asked for and it’s what she got. I wait for her at the end of our driveway, my hands in my pockets and my body tense. She’s been gone all morning, left home with an excited glint in her eyes and heels so high she could barely walk in them. During the time she was gone, I paced, trying to distract myself and I wanted to be there with her but sometimes not every demand can be catered too.

Not in my situation.

I stretch my neck when I see her coming and at the sight of me she lets out a squeal and starts running, her heels making her stumble and I warn her to be careful but she just laughs and throws herself around my neck.

With a big smile, she declares. “Officially a graduate. I did it, Giggs.”

Her degree took longer time since she had to switch colleges but she managed to score and I wrap my hand around her nape. “You did, honeychild. You fucking did it.”

Beaming, she slides down my body and links her arm through mine and we start walking up the driveway to our house. It’s got bay windows and a Jacuzzi at the back where Porsha and I spend most of our weekends. Most of our weekdays too if I can get my way. I have my own business now and I’m my own man since it’s easier that way. Officially I use a different name and nobody’s ever been able to recognize my true identity. My case simmered down after a year, trail had gone too complicated and I’m a cold case now.

I left destruction behind but what everyone should now is I’m as docile as can be unless Porsha’s threatened or my relationship with her. Then I feel my blood reheating, lethality pumping in my veins and I know I’ll be even worse once we start a family. Threaten my girl and you’re dead, threaten my wife and you’re dead but threaten the mother of my children..., nobody would be that stupid. Looking down at Porsha, I give her temple a kiss while she chats away about the ceremony, describing everything in detail so that it feels like I was there with her.

“I was asked if I wanted to come celebrate with the others but I told them I had to go back to my husband.”

“Your husband who...?”

“Was on a business trip and therefor couldn’t come,” she says cheekily and I grin. We’re good partners in crime. Sometimes I wonder whether Porsha ever gets tired of covering for me but when I ask her, she gets a protective streak in her eyes and firmly shakes her head. None of this would have been possible if our bond hadn’t been this strong but it’s unbreakable and whenever I wake up in the morning and see Porsha’s flushed face on the pillow, I flood with shivers, always struck by how much I lucked out.

Stroking my hand down her back, I lead her inside our house and close the door. There are no neighbors around and I don’t want any neighbors either. Can’t bring myself to clamp a hand over Porsha’s mouth when she’s distraught by her arousal and I always prefer just letting her moan and scream freely.

“Did you think about me while you were away?” I ask and she nods, her eyes honest, her mouth carnal and knowing I’ll never lose her to the outside world makes me set my love for her free. Its fearless but possessive, an adoration always ready to catch her and hold her and be the snarl-up to anything that’s too harsh and sharp for her.

There’s a red carpet across my heart, permanently rolled out for Porsha and she treads on it gently, always as careful not to bruise me as I am her. Though as far as I care she could stab me with a knife in that same heart and I still wouldn’t be able to stop loving her. There’s no on and off button, just a continuous stream of emotions that outpour in her. Before Porsha, self-preservation meant something but now her preservation matters more. She doesn’t like it when I give little fucks about myself and put her first at all times, thinks I should be more careful but she doesn’t understand. Without her, I’d still be in that cell even as a free man. I’d be imprisoned, my heart nothing but a bleak thing in my chest, constricted by barbed wire.

“What were you thinking about?” I purr and she moans,

“What you were going to do me when I get back...” Her mouth opens, eyes glazing over and the dress she’s wearing is slowly peeled off and it makes my head spin. If she doesn’t spread those legs as wide as she can, I’ll burst through the seam of my pants and spill, automatically spelling her name on the floor. There’s not a part of me that doesn’t adore every part of her, my love for her constantly brims underneath my skin as if she runs through my veins and she runs without stop, never letting me catch a breath.

“Jacuzzi...?” she whispers, watching me with the look of someone who know that we’re about to expand our family and she backs, about to run toward the hot tub but she never gets there. I snatch her when she’s at the staircase, demanding she lets me have her mouth and her lips part for me like they always do, just like she does. She opened up the gate to her heart easily, and I locked myself inside. I threw away the key and there aren’t enough written or unwritten laws that could ever get me out.

The End
