Page 18 of His Beguiled Bride

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If people knew they would judge me. They would judge him. They shouldn’t. Love is love and there are no rules. Maker puts his hand on my stomach, his eyes shining with devotion and it warms me to my core. We’re going to be a family.

My husband and I. My Maker and I.



My teeth tug at the sultry garter around Madlen’s thigh and I inhale the scent of her. She smells soft and she smells mine. For the rest of our lives we will be inseparable and the satisfaction it gives me is so overwhelming that I’ve been forced to take little time outs here and there to catch a breath.

In the back of my mind I never truly thought she’d ever be mine and parts of this feels surreal. I blink when it seems like she’s almost melting into the background and I give her a hard, obsessive clasp and she lets out a thick gasp. It shames me and I let go, offering her a reassuring smile between my teeth as I pull the garter completely off. Now there’s not a single thread on her body, her stomach already a little bit rounded and something hot forms behind my eyes and inwardly I curse.

Can’t start weeping now. Yes, I’m as happy as a man can get but she might get the wrong idea. Rising, I murmur for her to lay back and I groan when she wraps her legs around my hips. This is the spot. This is where it becomes clear that I belong to her more than I belong to me. I brush some hair off her face, smiling at her and knowing that she feels the love I have for her latch onto to every little molecule in this room. She seems serene and aroused like always but then she swallows and I frown...

During the ceremony she looked at me with an expression that shifted from shocked to desirous. She wore that same expression during our first dance and when I tried reading her eyes, she averted her gaze. But she’s not verting her gaze now. Now she’s staring at me as her breaths heaves and her mouth is open.

That look in her eyes...I drag a sharp inhale as I feel the consequences of my actions slam me in the chest. “You know. Don’t you...?”

She nods, squirming a little and it feels like there’s an earthquake beneath my feet until she reaches for me, steadying me. Her body is still open, the look of love still coloring her whole face and she urges me to sink into her.

“I forgive you, Maker,” she pants, positioning her body in the way that makes me the most desperate for her. “You did what you thought you had to do. I understand.”

For a moment I’m cautious, wondering if I could truly be so lucky but her gaze tells me she’s truthful. She’s truthful because she knows that in the end what matters is that we’re together and not how we got there.

“Thank you,” I whisper as my throat constricts from emotions. My brows curve as I look down on the wonder spread out in my bed. “For letting me love you.”

“Always,” she whispers back, warming me to my core and I would do everything all over again if it meant having this. We’re going to be together forever. We’re going to be a family.

My wife and I. My beloved and I.

The End
