Page 41 of Syrup Syndrome

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There’s so much hidden readiness in his voice and I have a feeling that if I asked Thane to take down the moon for me, he’d seriously consider the possibility.

My eyes slowly go to his and I breathe, “The’re still in contact with some of them?”

He nods and my heart clenches. Such scattered memories, so fragmented but they’re still there, laying like broken glass on the floor and waiting to be picked up so that I can see myself in the mirror.

See the old me, the girl Thane had loved and that he still loves. The one that he always will love because the earliest adoration, the rosiest one, the prettiest one is always the strongest. Even in its dreadfulness. Even when its less than perfect.

“How are they?”

“Good. Most of them. Dylan’s still a bit of a troublemaker though.”

A laugh slips from my lips. “Then I’d like to meet them again. Can I?”

“They’re all coming here for the holidays. “ He strokes my cheekbone. “Can’t wait to see their faces when they see you.” His voice lowers. “You’ve been missed. But nobody missed you more than me.”

I don’t doubt it.

“You bought this house and planted the roses for me, didn’t you. In case our paths would cross again.”

Thane moves his head in a nod. “Did it all for you. Like I’ll keep doing everything for you as long as you let me.”

I hold out my hand. “Can I borrow your phone then, since you ruined mine? I need to call my parents and friends.”

Straightening he says, “And tell them what?”

“Not to worry. Let them know that I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be.”

“Daphne...” he groans in relief, shoving me against his chest and I lose my breath. “You’re too good for someone as fucked up as me.”

“Don’t say that,” I protest, “we’re good for each other.” I pull away my mouth from his shoulder. “What happened with the orphanage by the way? Is it still running?”

“Cops raided the place a couple of years after you had left. They closed it down and mister and mistress got prison time.”

“They did? That’s...”

“That’s not all. You see, those two are still in prison.” A ruthless smile covers his face and I suppress a tremble.

“Why are you smiling?” I whisper.

“Because it’s one of the prisons that I’m responsible for.”

Gasping, I look at him and his eyes flash dark.

“You didn’t think I’d let them get away with what they did to us, did you?”

I feel a thrill in my belly at the notion that justice has been served. And I’m thrilled to know that all the other kids managed to get out safely.

“Did you ever... “my voice is careful because I’m scared he’ll tell me that nobody ever took him in, “did you ever get adopted?”

He shakes his head and I feel water forming in my eyes.

“Got too old. And nobody wanted me then.”

Anger flares in me and a tear slides down my cheek. “It’s their loss. They would have been lucky to have you.” I lick my lips, picking with the collar of his shirt. “I’m lucky to have you.”

“Are you?” he asks and his eyes stir.

“Yes. I love you.”
