Page 65 of Kill Me Tomorrow

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He kisses her cheek first and then her mouth before nipping at her neck with his teeth. Ethan’s mouth was very effective. The best. He’s the kind of man who makes it obvious he’s had a lot of practice, the kind who wastes no time. Which at the moment is perfect.

“Bethany will be fine,” he murmurs against her skin. “I’m sure of it.”

She doesn’t argue because she understands.

“Let’s go see a man about a horse, shall we?”

She winces. “First, I have a confession.”

“Of course you do.”

“I wasn’t going into the city to counsel Bethany. I was going to pick up the kids. It was meant to be a surprise.”

He takes her by the hand and leads her toward the door. When it opens, he points to his car. “I’m two steps ahead of you.”

Kelsey and Nick are sitting there looking bored and annoyed. “You left them in the car?”

“I left the heat on. And they have internet. They’ll survive.”

She looks at him sideways. “We showered and everything.”

“Yes,” he smiles. “Much better to get that out of the way.”

Ethan waves and the kids spill out of the car. Ali looks over at him. Children aren’t her forte and it’s obvious. She doesn’t quite know how to be around them. “What now?”

“Now, we go down to the barn.”

“And then what?”

He turns to her. “Your guess is a good as mine.”

“No. Seriously.”

“Maybe we’ll go into town and scope out the tourist scene. See if anything interesting turns up.”

Ali smiles mischievously. “Now,thatis an idea I can work with.”

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