Page 48 of Sexual Healing

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“I went into nursing, like my mom. I work in the OR. Today is a day off. And I’m so glad we decided to do this. My mother has been searching for another sister all this time, born between my mom and Jack.”

“Jeez, I wonder if Bernice knows this,” Pam said. “I bet not.”

“Well, we don’t have to rub it in her face. We never even have to meet her unless you think it would be beneficial.”

Ryan listened, but kept to himself.

“I’m not sure,” Pam said, doubtful considering Bernice’s latest relationships. “My mother-in-law has not been without a man since right after Jack died.”

“Oh god, that’s true. First, it was my stepfather,” Alison said.

“Let’s not even go there,” Pam said, flashing her a look. They didn’t really know who these people were yet, so no point in spreading family gossip.

Ryan picked up the questions, and the conversation continued with the focus on the newcomers. Finally, they said they had to leave, and Lisa had to forcibly hold back the tears she was so relieved. The goodbyes took another ten minutes with promises to get in touch when they could bring Beverly over. They got Pam’s number, and she walked them to the door.

The others stayed behind, cleaning up the mess, relief tangible. When Pam came back, they looked at her.

“This is a mixed bag,” she said. “On one hand, like Lisa said, yippee, more relatives, but on the other, do we want strangers digging around in our business just because they are related to Jack? He’s lucky he doesn’t have to be involved.”

“Because of this latest crap with Lily, I’m worried about Ryan. Actually, I’m worried about the three of us. We could all go to jail for up to four years.”

“That’s not going to happen,” Ryan said, pulling her into a hug. “No one’s going to jail, okay?”

“Adam needs to fire her!” Alison hissed. “I’ve said it before. Now he’s hesitating doing it because what reason can he give? She can turn on him, and then we’re screwed.”

“Dan should be able to advise us,” Pam said. “I’ll talk to him later.” She turned to leave. “I’ll be in touch when I hear from the Johnson girls.”

“Just what we need, two Barbie dolls,” Alison sneered.

“They are a little leggy,” Pam replied.

“Well, you don’t need to worry about me,” Ryan said, grinning.

“And I’m sure Adam won’t give them the time of day,” Lisa said. “We can just get to know them as cousins. Our dad’s flesh and blood.”

“And therefore, yours,” Pam added, her turn to laugh. “I’m exempt.”

“Not really,” Lisa said. “Look at Ryan and Alison.”

“Yeah, but they’re Jack’s children,” Pam replied. “That’s different. I’m going back to work. Ryan, stay here.”

“Nope, I’m not finished. I’ll be back up in a bit.”

Pam left, and although Lisa longed to return to her audiobook, the moment had passed. “Here comes trouble,” she said, pointing to Daniela and Sandra’s nanny trailed by six little kids and holding a baby, trudging up the dune.

“I’ll take Diana home,” Alison said.

“Just leave her here with the girls,” Lisa said. “What’s another kid?”

“If you’re sure. I have to go home and talk to Adam. I’m so paranoid now. Can we ever have a time of peace?”

“No,” Lisa said.

Across the street, down from Alison’s house, Dan watched the activity, beginning with the two attractive, short-shorts-clad women entering Lisa’s front door.

Once he saw Alison leave, he got on the phone to Lisa right away.

“Who’s the company? Those were four long legs.”
