Page 85 of Sexual Healing

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When he got out of bed, she got a first glimpse and couldn’t believe his body. There hadn’t really been the opportunity to look at him much during the night, but in the light of day, he was amazing. The sound of his electric toothbrush made her grin. She’d brush, too, glad he was thoughtful of her. She’d try to join him.

“Knock, knock. Can I brush?”

He opened the door and stepped aside to let her pass by.

“You can, but hurry. I’m ready to explode.”

Glancing down, she saw that things were ready to go, and she was a little breathless seeing it in the daylight. He was just as impressed, holding her by the shoulders, and gave her the once-over.

“You are breathtaking.”

“So are you. I’d like to take a better look. Last night there wasn’t much time.”

“Ha! No, that’s true. Meet you back in bed.”

The rest of the morning would stay memorable for Rene, and for Dan, too. After they showered, they met up in the kitchen. “Do you want to take our coffee to the beach? I know I said I hated it, but today I think I’d like to sit on the beach with you.”

“I’d love it.”

They dressed in shorts and sweatshirts and flip-flops and dragged two ratty beach chairs that had been left by the previous owners, snuck through Lisa and Ryan’s gate with their thermoses, and parked at the water’s edge. The tide was running fast, and pops of stones, shells and glass pebbled the smooth sand as the water retreated.

An hour passed, then another, as they shared their hidden longings. The passing of time had gone unnoticed until the beach around them had filled up with sunbathers and noisy children.

“Uncle Dan!”

Brent dove on him, nearly knocking him out of his chair. “Brent! Stop it!” Sandra called as she ran to rescue Dan.

“Jesus, I’m so sorry! Kid, are you nuts?”

Brent was laughing because Dan held him over his head, tickling him.

“Chill, Sandra, it’s okay. With your permission, I’m going to throw him in the water.”

“Just don’t drown him. I’m growing fond of the tyke,” Sandra said, laughing. “You know Andy Roman.”

Dan put out his hand to shake, with Brent squealing under his arm. “This is nice, seeing you here,” Dan said. “I feel safer already.”

“I’m not officially at work,” Andy said, laughing.

“And this is Rene Johnson,” Dan said, later telling her that when she stood up, she sort of unfolded herself out of the chair, and Dan watched Sandra and Roman as they followed her body reaching its full height. Rene was taller than Sandra.

They shook hands, and then Dan added the little caveat, “Rene is Jack Smith’s niece.”

Sandra studied her for a moment.

“Bertram Albert’s granddaughter. Jack’s birth father,” Rene explained.

“Oh my god, I know that story,” Sandra said. “My son is Jack’s grandson. This is a small world. How on earth did you find Dan?”

She and Dan explained the story. While they stood out at the water’s edge, Ryan saw them from the porch and got the girls together to play in the sand. Then Laura and Will joined them. And soon Lisa came out, surprised to see Rene.

“Are you going to be my sons’ aunt?” Lisa asked, teasing her.

“This is our first date. Well, Friday was. It sort of telescoped into the weekend.”

“Yep, that’s Dan. But I have to tell you that I would be thrilled if you were the one he finally settles with. The poor man has not had the best of luck with women, but it isn’t always his fault. It was with me, but that’s another story. I was too young for him. My first husband was dying, and he was there for me. When I think of it, he saved me, so I have tried to forgive him for being an asshole.”

Rene listened compassionately. “I’m so sorry about your husband.”
