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My body hums with pleasure,and I fight for breath as my lungs struggle to get enough oxygen. It’s such an intense feeling, having Priest inside me, his cock still semi-hard and buried to the hilt.

Even though I’ve had sex more recently than Priest has, I’ve never done it with him, and the hugeness of this moment mixed with the height of my feelings when I thought I might lose him makes the whole thing really fucking intense.

But good.

So goddamn good.

I stare into Priest’s eyes as he slowly pulls back. They’re such a pale blue, icy even as they burn with pleasure and heat. His cock still pulses gently inside me, his body pressed against mine, pinning me to the wall.

There are smears of blood on his face, trailing from his lip, and there are bruises and cuts on him, showing through the places where his clothes are torn and dirty.

It’s clear he’s been through hell, but he looks fucking beautiful to me.

I reach up and trail my fingers over his cheek, and he holds my gaze as something wordless passes between us. Something neither of us has a name for, but we both clearly need.

Slowly, my head clears of that all-encompassing pleasure and relief, and I become aware of where we are again. The fact that we’re in a warehouse in the middle of the night, surrounded by a bunch of dead bodies, hits me like a freight train. The other King of Chaos are all here too, and I blink and then look over Priest’s shoulder.

The three of them had started to clean up the mess of the fight while I freed Priest, but now they’ve stopped, and all eyes are on us. They’re clearly turned on by what they saw, differing degrees of lust and heat in their eyes.

“You know,” Ash murmurs, breaking the silence as he usually does. “I almost want to go find some other dangerous drug lord to take on, just so I can see that happen again.”

He grins brightly, and it’s a relief to see him smiling, after how tense and worried we all were before we got here to save Priest.

Gage rolls his eyes, but even he can’t hide the heat in his gaze as they all stare at us.

I focus back on Priest for a second, cupping his cheek.

“Are you okay?” I whisper.

All of the men know about Priest’s hang-ups with sex, hence his nickname, but this feels like something between us. What we just did was crazy intense, and we’re both still shuddering from it. I almost can’t believe Priest is still standing after everything he’s been through tonight.

He leans in and rests his forehead against mine, closing his eyes for a second. His shoulders rise and fall as he drags in a deep breath and then looks at me again.

“I am now,” he murmurs. “You’re alive.”

I smile softly and nod because he’s right. I am alive. And so is he.

“I promise I’ll try to stay that way,” I tell him. “You do the same. Please. I can’t lose you.”

Priest nods and presses closer against me, kissing me again. I can feel all the emotion in it, all the things he either doesn’t know how to say or doesn’t have the words for. I wrap myself up in it and kiss him back, trying to give him back all of that and make sure he knows I feel the same.

Finally, we separate.

I don’t even bother cleaning up his cum, just letting it trail down my thigh as I fix my clothes. My dress ripped in some places, and my panties are somewhere on the floor of the warehouse, but I don’t give a fuck.

Priest tucks his cock away, leaning on me a little as he zips up his pants. He’s clearly hurting and exhausted, and I wrap an arm around him as we rejoin the others, letting him put more of his weight on me.

“Should we do anything with his body?” I ask, jerking my head in the direction of where Julian’s corpse is still sprawled out where I dropped him.

“Nah. I say we just burn this whole place down,” Knox says. “Easier than trying to move all this shit, and I’m not dumping another body in the river just for it to show back up again.”

That’s a damn good point.

“We’ve still got some accelerant,” he continues. “The warehouse should go up quick. It’s all boxes and shit.”
