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“Shit!” River curses, and she’s got that right. Because what the actual fuck is this bitch doing?

Dumb question, I think to myself.She’s trying to kill him.

We all jump into action at once, leaping out of our car and racing toward the bank of the river. So much for fucking subtlety. If we’d known she was going to try to murder Cody, we wouldn’t have followed at a distance at all. We would’ve gunned her down in the road and found a way to get the kid safely out of the car.

Natalie looks up and sees us coming, and her face twists into an ugly scowl.

“You!” she screams, focusing her gaze on River. “Youbitch! You took him from me!”

She draws a small handgun from her purse and starts firing at us, but her aim is shit.

A bullet whizzes by River, far enough away that it doesn’t even graze her, but still way too close for my liking. I body check River out of the way, putting myself in the line of fire as the car picks up speed behind Natalie, crashing into the river with a splash.

“No!” River gasps, horror in her voice.

The Bentley begins to sink under the surface, and I fire off a shot at Natalie, forcing her to duck for cover behind a few rotted out logs that sit along the riverbank. My bullet hits one of the logs as she dives behind it, sending pieces of dead wood flying.

“Get the kid out of the car!” I yell to the others.

Then I make a beeline for Natalie.

I’m not letting this bitch hurt River, and I know that’s exactly who she’s gonna go after if I don’t keep her occupied.

Natalie pops up from behind the fallen logs as my brothers and River head for the water and the car currently sinking into it. Her gun is aimed for my head, but before she can shoot me, I duck out of the way, lunging for her to try to knock her off balance.

The logs are in my way, so although I manage to sink my shoulder into her solar plexus, it’s not as hard of a blow as I was going for. She wheezes when I hit her, but she doesn’t go down. Instead, she claws at me with her long-ass nails, raking them down my arm like fucking claws.

“You helped her!” she snarls, her cold mask of a face contorting into something ugly and feral. “Didn’t you? You killed my fucking brother!”

“Fuckingbrother,” I grunt, grappling with her as I try to twist my gun around to line up a shot. I’ll shoot her at point blank range if I have to. “Accurate description, coming from you.”

Natalie shrieks like a banshee, clearly not appreciating my joke. She dropped her gun when I tackled her, so we’re fighting over control of mine now, and she scratches me again, leaving bloody red marks on my skin.

“I’ll kill you,” she pants, her teeth bared. “I’ll kill all of you.”

Her voice is hoarse, and her pupils are so blown out that she looks like a goddamn shark. She’s lost just as much as Julian did before he died—more, even, since he’s gone too—and it’s clear she’s feeling it.

She’s vicious, fighting dirty as hell as she lashes out.

She goes for my crotch with her knee, and I shift to the side, trying to evade her strike.

I manage to block it for the most part, and her knee grazes the edge of my goods instead of hitting them square on. There’s still pain, but it’s definitely not as bad as it could have been if she’d gotten me right in the nuts.

“He gavehera baby,” she pants, pain making her voice raspy, “but he wouldn’t givemeone.”

Fucking gross.

She wanted to kill Cody because he was a reminder that her brother had a kid with someone else. I don’t have anything to say to that, so I just nail her in the face with my elbow, splitting open her nose and sending blood cascading down over her mouth and chin. She grunts, baring her red-tinged teeth at me.

Natalie is fighting like someone who doesn’t have shit to lose, and it makes her wild and intense.

But it also makes her sloppy.

When she tries to grab the gun from me again, I pull back suddenly, opening up a little space between us as I fire.

“Ahh!” She screams as the bullet tags her in the side, her clawed fingers latching on to me as she goes down.

She pulls me off balance, and we hit the ground hard, slipping and sliding and skidding all the way down to the edge of the river, still trying to get the upper hand on each other.
