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His mom seems to have been the only one who truly cared for him, and although I can’t give her back to him, I can at least try to make sure he feels cared for and protected again.

We get back into the car, and I keep Cody on my lap as Gage drives us back home.

Everyone is quiet as we make our way back into the heart of the city, and just like that night when we stopped by the side of the road in the rain, Gage refrains from bitching about a bunch of wet asses on his car’s leather seats. I notice Ash and Knox both shooting curious glances at Cody, and I wonder when the last time was that any of them were around a kid.

For me, it’s an easy question to answer—not since Iwasa kid.

I don’t know what to say to Cody, but luckily, he doesn’t seem like he’s in the mood to talk anyway. So I just hold on to him, trying to dry him off a little and keep him warm as we near the Kings’ house.

The place is big enough that there’s another guest bedroom, so once we get inside, we set Cody up in that one. I grab a few things from my closet so that he can change into dry clothes, and although they’re way too big for him, it’s a better fit than anything I could’ve borrowed from the guys.

“Is that better?” I ask as I bundle him up in my mismatched clothes. “I remember your mom said you like to wear pajamas during the day sometimes. This is kind of like that.”

“Yeah.” He nods, his voice quiet and shy. “I like it.”

“Good. Are you hungry?”

He nods again.

“Okay. We’ll go downstairs and get something to eat.”

I stand up and hold out my hand, and I’m surprised as hell when he takes it. I would’ve expected him to be more standoffish and distrustful of a bunch of strangers… but then again, he can probably see the resemblance between me and his mom, so maybe it helps that I remind him of her.

“We’ll have to get some stuff for him,” I tell Ash, who’s lingering in the guest room doorway. “Clothes and toys and stuff.”

“Yeah.” He pulls out his phone, tapping out something on the screen. “I’ll start putting together a list.”

Downstairs, we find Knox in the kitchen making food. When it’s done, I sit Cody in the living room to eat. I find some cartoons on TV for him to watch, and then I just sort of... hover.

I try to hang out with him, but I have no idea what the fuck to say to kids. I didn’t know how to be around them even when Iwasone, and I certainly don’t now.

Knox comes in and plops down on the couch next to the little boy, and there’s an amusing moment as they size each other up. Cody doesn’t seem to know what to make of this massive man at first, but he doesn’t shrink away from him.

“How are the nuggets?” Knox asks, nodding to Cody’s plate.

Where he got chicken nuggets from, I’ll never know, but I guess it doesn’t surprise me that he had some in the freezer just ready to go.

“Good,” Cody mumbles, and his little voice is almost a whisper.

“Sweet,” Knox replies. “I love nuggets. I didn’t know what kind of sauce you wanted, so I gave you a little sampler of all the ones we have. I’m a honey mustard kinda guy myself.”

Cody picks up a nugget and dips it in the little cup of honey mustard on the plate. He takes a bite and chews thoughtfully and then nods at Knox. “S’good.”

Knox grins. “You’ve got good taste, kid.”

It’s surprising to watch them together like this. I wouldn’t have thought Knox would be the one who knows how to get along with kids. In some ways, the man who proudly wears the nickname “The Butcher of Seven Mile” is the last person I’d expect to get along so well with a four-year-old. But then again, Knox has a goofy personality sometimes, and besides his willingness to carve up a person if they deserve it, he’s actually a fun-loving, easy-going guy. Almost like a big kid himself.

The other Kings come in too, and I watch them all interact with Cody. Ash has that easy going personality that makes it easier for him, while Gage and Priest sort of hang back. They all introduce themselves and tell him he’s going to be staying with us.

Cody nods, glancing around at all of them warily.

He’s just a kid, and he’s had a lot going on in the last few weeks, so I can’t really blame him for being unsure about all of this. But the guys do their best, talking to him in calm voices and asking him about the cartoons and what things he likes to eat and do.

I like it, watching them with him.

It’s all so strange, and I have no idea what our plan is for Cody long-term. But it makes me happy to see him here, to know he’s not with Julian anymore, and that none of us will treat him like a pawn or try to drown him in a car like fucking Natalie did.

We spend most of the afternoon hanging out with the little boy, trying to get him used to us.
