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“I like the atmosphere,” I admit. “The way people can come and just move to the music and let everything else go for a little while.”

“Hm.” She scrunches up her nose. “You know, that’s not the answer I thought you’d give, but I like it.”

She grins at me, and I can’t stop my lips from curving up at one side. I’ve let River see my demons, just like she’s let me see hers. I guess there’s no harm in letting her see the other sides of myself I usually keep hidden.

We get to the club after another few minutes, and when I lead River inside, it’s packed as usual.

People are dancing and drinking, and the bass of the song blasting through the speakers thumps and thrums through the whole place like a pulse.

Usually, I head right to the back when I get here, ready to dive into a night’s worth of business and paperwork and whatever else is waiting for me.

I go to usher River back to the office, but she puts a hand on my arm, stopping me.

“Wait,” she says, grinning as she half shouts over the music. “Dance with me.”


She pulls me to the dance floor, where there’s already a crush of people bumping and grinding and having a good time.

“Dance with me,” she says again, pressing her body against mine so that her tits rub against my chest.

I honestly can’t remember the last time I just... danced in this club. I’ve been too busy running the damn place, taking everything seriously and watching out for my family. It hasn’t left a lot of time for anything else.

I can feel the bartender, who knows me pretty well by this point, staring in surprise as I give in and pull River even closer to me, moving to the music.

It’s definitely not something the old me would have done, but I’m not that person anymore.

Because of the woman in my arms.

River laughs, a free, delighted sound, and starts moving her body to the beat. The song changes to a slower one, and something flashes in her eyes as her movements change with it. She works her hips, swaying with the beat, looking so damn sexy I can’t help but pull her against me so I can move with her.

It’s so easy to get lost in this. In the music and the way her body gyrates against mine.

She moves so freely, like she doesn’t have a care in the world right now other than grinding against me. It’s so far from how she looked before, either when she was tightly wound and angry at everything and everyone or when she was blank and numb right after her sister’s death.

Now there’s a teasing smile on her face, and she lifts our joined hands and spins under them, ending up impossibly closer when she comes out of her turn.

I dip my head and kiss along her neck, and she tilts her head to one side, giving me more space. I can barely hear it over the beat of the music, but she hums with pleasure, her eyes fluttering half closed as we keep dancing.

I run my hands over her body, curving down over her hips and then up over her ass. She laughs breathlessly at that, but I can tell she likes it. I know she wants more.

There’s a part of my brain that thinks about the pile of paperwork on the desk that still needs to get done, but I shove it away. Business can wait for a little longer.

As we move together, we’re close enough that I can feel it when River’s phone vibrates in her pocket. She makes a face and reluctantly pulls away to look at it.

I can tell she wasn’t expecting whoever it is to be calling, because her lips curve down in a frown.

A spark of worry lights in my chest, and I jerk my chin toward her phone. “What is it?”

With her bottom lip trapped between her teeth, she turns the phone around to show me the screen.

Agent Carter is calling.
