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“What happened?” I hear her ask him.

“You know what happened,” he tells her. “And now I’ve got people trying to tell me it’s all just bad luck. Just accidents happening, and it’s no one’s fault and out of our control.”

“Julian,” she says, putting a hand on his shoulder. “You have to breathe. You look like you’re about to explode.”

“What do you expect me to look like?” he demands, jerking out of her hold. “You know what’s happening. You know how bad this is. Cyrus was our biggest buyer, and now he’s fucking dead because he couldn’t stop Apollo from charging into his club and blowing his brains out. Where the fuck was his security? Who the hell just lets that happen?”

“That’s not on us,” Natalie says, but Julian cuts her off before she can finish her sentence.

“I know it’s not fucking on us, but it affects us. It affects the business. How the fuck do we make up for losing him? And for losing so much goddamn product in that ‘accident’.” He makes vicious air quotes, and Natalie sighs.

“We find new buyers. It’s not like it will be hard in this city. Everyone here wants to get high on something. We’ll make up for what we lost.”

“You make it sound so easy,” Julian mutters.

“I’m keeping my head about this,” she fires back. “Unlike you.”

His eyes are furious when he looks at her, and he takes a step toward her like he’s going to hit her or something. Instead, he backs her against the wall, practically shoving her into it hard.

“Shut the fuck up,” he says, and it’s almost too quiet for me to hear it. “You don’t know how hard this is. You don’t have the weight of this shit on your shoulders.”

“The fuck I don’t!” she shoots back. “I’m involved in this too, Julian. It’s not just your—”

Whatever she was going to say is cut off by Julian slamming his lips against hers in a heated kiss.

Natalie claws at his back, and it’s pretty obvious she’s grinding against him and not squirming to try to get away.

“Fucking disgusting,” I mutter under my breath, but angle the drone to catch footage of them going at it, getting the audio as well.

And they do fucking go at it.

Julian starts ripping her clothes off, leaving them in a heap on the floor. Natalie cusses him out about how much the dress cost, and he says he doesn’t give a fuck and spins her around so she’s facing the wall. He slaps her ass hard and fumbles at his fly to get his dick out.

He leans forward and mutters something into her ear that I can’t hear, but judging from the way Natalie moans like a whore, she liked whatever he said.

It doesn’t take long before Julian thrusts into her, fucking her hard and fast against the wall, slapping her ass every now and then. They go at it like that for a bit, and then Julian pulls out and shoves her over to the couch.

“Don’t push me!” Natalie snaps.

“You love it,” he growls, and starts fucking her over the back of the couch.

Her noises are fucking gross, like a pornstar not getting paid enough, and I let the drone get it all. Once I have enough footage, I steer the drone back to me and get the fuck out of there.

It’s a relief to get back to the house and not have to listen to Julian going to town on his damn sister anymore. I walk into the living room, and River’s lying on the couch with Harley, wearing an oversized shirt.

Something about seeing her, especially after I just watched the woman I almost had to marry, makes me want her more than ever.

“Go drink out of the toilet or something,” I tell the dog, nudging him off the couch.

Harley barks at me, but gets down and trots away into the kitchen.

River sits up, looking up at me, and I flop onto the couch, grabbing her around the waist so I can pull her down on top of me when I lie down.

“How’d it go?” she asks.

I groan and bury my face in her hair, inhaling her scent.

It’s soothing, especially after the shit I just had to watch, and I soak it up before I answer her.
