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“I’ve got you,” he promises. “You beautiful, filthy thing. I’ve got you. I want you to come for me. I want you to fall apart right here, in a closet in the middle of the fanciest fucking house we’ve ever been in.”

I don’t know how he has the breath for all that, but he gets it out, and it’s like magic how it works on me. My body goes tight, and the orgasm that’s been barreling down on me like a freight train hits me hard.

Ash is right behind me, swearing in a breathless gasp as he fills me up, coming hard while I spasm and jerk in his hold.

Unlike the last time we came together like this in a place like this, I’m not trying to break something between us this time. This time, I’m all in, letting myself go. Letting myself feel all of it.

We come together and take a second to catch our breaths. I can feel Ash shuddering against me, and then he pulls out and tucks himself away.

Ash helps me clean up, smoothing my dress back down and fixing my hair where it got messy in our fucking. He has a crooked grin on his face, and it hits his eyes in a different way than his usual charming grin does. He’s happy, through and through, and I’m so glad to see it.

He kisses me, pulling me close to him. I can feel the heat of his body and smell the scent of our banging on him, under his cologne. It makes me shiver, remembering what we just did.

“I’ll never let you forget how I feel about you,” he murmurs against my mouth. “That this is real.”

I swallow hard, overcome with a sudden wave of emotion. I put my arms around him, holding on tightly and breathing him in. I don’t think I could ever forget how he feels about me, even if I tried. Even when I wanted to.

Ash just smiles, taking my silence for the agreement that it is. He kisses my forehead and then takes my hand, pulling back.

“We should probably get back out there. Priest has probably done what he needed to do by now, and we don’t want to fuck up the plan.”

“Right,” I tell him. I smooth my hand down my dress and then nod. I’m ready.

We head back out to rejoin the others, and even though we did our best to put our appearances back to rights, there’s not really any hiding what we were just doing from the others, who are pretty trained to recognize it by now.

“Really, Ash?” Gage asks, shaking his head. “Here? In the middle of the mission?”

Ash just shrugs, not looking bothered at all. “I do my best work right after I come. I need a steady hand for this shit, and sex soothes me.”

I laugh at that because he says it so seriously. Hell, he probably does actually mean it. Gage rolls his eyes, but then focuses on something beyond Ash’s shoulder. We turn to look at the doorway leading to the large room we’re gathered in, and my heart jumps into my throat for a second.

Julian has just walked in.

Here we go.
