Page 21 of Revival

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"That was about the cutest thing I've ever seen. Stevie Ann adores you."

"What can I say? I can't resist a good princess tea party. The first time Stevie Ann wrapped her tiny little hand around my pinky finger, she stole my heart. And I've been Uncle Rome ever since."

"Can I ask you a question?" Andrea asks, flipping on her back and staring up rather than at me.


"Most people call you Rome, but you introduced yourself to me as Daniel. What…" Her voice trails off. "What should I call you?"

"Rome is who I used to be, and Daniel is who I'm trying to become. Does that make sense?" I answer, hoping she won't push the issue.

"More than you know." There's a sigh of relief in her voice. "Hey, does the roof of this tent thing come off?"

"It does. Would you like me to take it off?"

She nods as the gorgeous smile returns to her face. "Sleeping under the stars was one of my favorite things to do as a kid on family vacations."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down a minute, missy. I just met you, and you already want to sleep together? What kind of man do you take me for?" I tease her with the most serious look on my face.

"Oh, honey. You're cute and all, but don't flatter yourself. I'm just using you for a place to lay my head down so my best friend can get her bow-chick-a-wow-wow on." Andrea's answer catches me off guard, causing us both to laugh hysterically.


"You know," she continues to joke. "Horizontal hula? Afternoon delight? Or my personal favorite, riding the bologna pony."

I struggle to bite back a laugh. "Isn't it easier to just say sex?"

"Maybe, but when you have two teenagers at home, it's much more fun to come up with the cringiest euphemisms possible."

After removing the top of the tent, I position myself on the air mattress next to her. "May I present to you, the stars."


We lay in silence, watching the sky. The coconut summer scent of her body invades my senses with each casual breeze. Andrea's soft hand brushes mine each time a shooting star flies across the sky and sends shockwaves straight to my hardening cock. I've just met this woman, yet I want to know everything about her.

"So, Lindsay tells me you're on a revival trip. What's that all about?" We both prop up, facing each other, Andrea wanting to share and me wanting to take in every word.

"It's how I'm finding my way back to myself. I became a wife and a mother before I was twenty-one. My life was for my family. Along the way, I lost Andi, the crazy, fun person I used to be. So, I'm on a personal mission to find her again."

"Sounds incredibly brave."

"Yeah, I'm usually a by-the-book planner, so this is new territory for me."

"What are some things you want to do?" I ask.

"Promise not to laugh?" Her smirk already has me laughing.

She lightly pushes on my chest. "Nope. Not gonna tell you now."

"Okay. Okay. I promise not to laugh. Again." I put on my best straight face.

"I want to eat at a Waffle House, skinny dip in the ocean, take a picture with Winona Ryder's Hollywood star, and visit the world's largest rubber duck. Stuff like that."

"Sounds like an adventure."

A gust of wind rushes over us, catching us off guard. I gently push a blown-out strand of hair behind her ear.

She leans toward me. Her lips part, as if anticipating a kiss.
