Page 35 of Revival

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"What if I take responsibility for them?" I ask, going on a hunch and not thinking through what I am saying.

"Why would you do that?" the young woman asks, a familiar sass in her tone. "You don't even know me."

"Because your mom would kick my ass if I let you two go to jail. Now, come with me." We head back to the green room, allowing The Hustlers to finish the meet and greet without any further disturbances.

Lindsay jumps to her feet when I enter the tent. "What happened out there?"

I step to the side, allowing the kids to walk in behind me.

Her eyes widen, confirming what I’d already assumed.

"Madison? Mason?" she shrieks.

"Aunt Lindsay?" the boy asks.

"What are you doing here?" all three say in unison.

"I met a girl in Paris, who invited me here for the weekend," Mason explains.

"And I'm the sister who tags along for everything. So, here we are." She giggles.

"Madi, are you drunk?" Lindsay asks.

"Yup-er-uni, I am! There was this fine ass man checking I.D.s for wristbands. I flirted so hard that he didn't even notice it was fake! He wants to meet me later for a drink and maybe to get lucky.” She hiccups and quickly covers her mouth, then her eyes widen. “Oh shit.” She giggles. “Don't tell Mom."

“Lucky?” Lindsay asks, cutting her eyes toward me.

"I'll fucking kill him," I mumble under my breath.

"Who is this guy?" Mason side-eyes me.

"I work for The Nashville Hustlers, and I'm a friend of your mom's. She told me a lot about you when we met last weekend."

"Funny, we haven't heard anything about you," he retorts.

"Be nice." Lindsay elbows him in the side.

Focusing on Madison, I ask, “Where were you getting all these drinks tonight?”

"VIP, of course." She offers a lopsided grin.

Lindsay's lips tighten into a fine line. "Hey, Mads, was this guy a dead ringer for Zac Efron?"

"Yeah. How'd you know?"

"He's a fucking dead man." I tear through the opening of the tent like a bull in a China shop. Blinded by anger, I see nothing but the lights of the VIP tent as I trek across the field.

Even though I have the badge I need to enter the section, I hop the fence for a much quicker and direct path to this punk. Within seconds, security is on my ass, but all I have to do is reach Lucky before they reach me.

Sprinting the last fifty yards, my fist connects with Lucky's jaw before he even knows what hit him. Disoriented and confused, he hits the ground like the sack of shit he is. He rolls toward me, and I kick his ribs with a strength I didn't even know I was capable of.

"You really are a piece of shit. Accepting fake I.D.s and getting teenage girls shit-faced so you can take advantage of them." After I deliver another swift kick to his chest, he tries to get up. "Lay your ass back down. Security's here to take your ass out of here."

But as two cops tackle me, one shoving my face in the dirt while the other slaps the cuffs on my wrist, my head clears to the reality of what just transpired.

I'm going to jail for assault.

Sitting in the back of the cop car, I contemplate my decision to kick the shit out of that dipshit.
