Page 51 of Revival

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"I figured if I ordered a little of everything, there would be something you liked."

"If it comes in a little white box, I'll eat it.” She narrows her eyes. ”Are you a Dorothy or a Blanche?"

I laugh, shaking my head as I take a bite of Chow Mein. "My therapist told me to find something to bring back happy memories on hard days," I explain.

"Was today hard?" Her head cocks to the side with concern.

"I've blamed myself for so long, hence the dark cloud, so…” I shrug. “Talking about Bailey is hard. I've used my guilt to build a wall around myself that no one can penetrate. Yet, somehow you did."

"It's my sunshiny eyes. They get people every time.” She winks. “Now, how about another glass of wine, and let's devour some food."

An hour later, when our bellies are stuffed and the alcohol is gone, the night winds down.

"I'm going to take a walk," I say.

"Really? Now? It's kinda late for a walk, isn't it?"

"I need to, uh, get something from the truck?"

She leans over, her mouth close to my ear. "Are you going to smoke some pot?" she whispers like I'm breaking the rules.

"I am. Would you like to join me?"

She nods eagerly.

Hand in hand, we sneak downstairs and out the back door, careful not to be noticed by the front desk clerk. When we reach my truck, I open the back passenger door, helping Andrea in, my eyes glued to her perfectly tanned, sculpted ass peeking out from the bottom of her shorts. She scoots over and I crawl in behind her.

I light the joint and take a long hit, then pass it to Andrea. "I didn't take you as a pot smoker."

Her hit is small and still causes a choke I wasn't expecting. It takes her a moment to regain her breath. "Every once in a while, with my brother-in-law, but it's been a couple of years."

Another few hits, and my mind begins to clear. "It was never something I regularly did. I'm a beer drinker. But after the shooting, the nightmares became too much, and I needed something to help the anxiety. I've watched pills destroy too many of my friends, so I chose to smoke a joint at night instead."

"After my divorce, wine became my best friend. I probably would have smoked weed if there weren't two teenagers in the house.” She giggles and it’s the most adorable sound. “I feel like a teenager right now. In my pajamas, hiding out in the back of a truck with the boy I like." She shrugs and laughs, taking another hit without choking this time.

Andrea leans forward to place the roach on the ashtray I keep in the cup holder, brushing her breasts across my arm in the process.

She glances back at me and cocks one eyebrow.

"Get over here." I grab her around the waist, pulling her on top of me. "You are so fucking beautiful." My mouth takes hers, our tongues wrestling for control. My hands explore her body, finding her tits. I can't wait to get my mouth on them. For now, my fingers pinch her perky nipples. Each moan is sexier than the last. My erection grows, pressing through my sweats against Andrea's core.

A nightstick tap on the window startles us both, causing Andrea to jump and hit her head.

"Are you guests here?" asks the hotel security guard as he shines a light on our faces.

"Yes, sir. Suite 721."

"Well, take these shenanigans upstairs before someone calls the cops. Youarein Utah, ya know."

"Sorry, sir." Andrea buries her head in my neck, trying hard not to laugh.

"Come on." I open the door and help her out. "I don't need to get arrested twice in one weekend."

The security guard’s eyebrows fly up into his receding hairline.

I incline my head as we pass him. “Good night, sir,” I say, struggling to keep my laughter at bay.

The hotel elevator seems to take an eternity, or I'm just that impatient because all I can think about is getting my mouth on every single part of Andrea's insanely gorgeous body.
