Page 2 of Reckless Abandon

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My life, my marriage, my world would never be the same.


I stared at that envelope for hours. I knew what was in it. I couldn’t believe it, and I didn’t want to admit, it but I knew it. I had to open it, but I didn’t want to do it alone. I called my best friend, needing a shoulder to lean on.

“Hey Ryann. I’m doing this stupid class project with Ali. What is it with you teachers and your projects? Can I call you back?” Rose asked.

“Ummm…no. Is there any way you can come over?” I whispered, doing everything not to break down on the phone.

“Give me an hour.”

That’s what I loved about my best friend. No questions asked, she was there for me anytime I needed her. We'd been friends since we were twelve, she knew me better than anyone else on the planet. Rose and I have been through everything together. College, wedding, kids, miscarriages, deaths of a parent…but this might be a first for us.

An hour later, Rose arrived with a bottle of Moscato in one hand and a large bag of peanut M&M’s in the other. Like I said, she knew me better than anyone. Even though I'd yet to tell her what's going on, she knew to bring my comfort food. She found me curled up on the couch, using Roxy as pillow, scrolling through my IPod looking for any sad song I could find.

“What the fuck is going on?” Rose asked.

“You tell me. I can’t bring myself to open the envelope Luc left on the table.”

Before I could even finish my sentence, Rose was at the table, ripping open the envelope and tearing out its contents. I watched her face as she scanned over the paperwork. Her eyes turn dark and her nostrils flare as the anger takes over her face. “What a porchdick!” she yelled.

“What’s his reason?” I asked as she started pouring us the largest glasses of wine I've ever seen.

“Irreconcilable differences. Whatever the hell that means.” She handed me my wine. I swallowed almost half the glass in the first drink. “Shit, that bad?” she asked.

“He wants kids of his own. I can’t give that to him. He doesn’t want to foster or adopt. For some reason, after all this time, he decided that having his own kids is more important to him than our marriage. And apparently, I have no say in the matter. His stuff is gone. Obviously divorce papers are drawn up. You know Lucas, when his mind is made up there is no changing it,” I cried as the tears began to stream down my face. I really didn’t think I had any tears left in me. I gulp down the rest of my wine.

“Oh honey,” Rose immediately put her arms around me and let me cry.

“Did he really just ask me for a divorce…?” I mumbled before I drifted off to sleep.
