Page 109 of Knot My Pack

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Walking in, I find Damon kneeling by the bed. An obsessed, almost crazy expression is etched on his beautiful face as he stares down at Iris. Reaching out, he caresses the stray strands falling over her face.

Iris’s heady perfume hangs in the air.

The need to touch her is overwhelming me as well. My tongue flicks out to slide over my bottom lip, feeling the need to taste those lush lips.

A rough groan sounds in the room.

My gaze falls on Damon. He’s brushing his lips over hers.

“Damon, don’t,” I say, moving forward to grab him.

“Let go of me,” he says, jerking away from me.

“How are you any different from Callahan?” I demand.

He bares his teeth at me. “What are you talking about?”

“He was quite happy to compel her into submission,” I say. “She’s passed out from resisting him and now, you’re doing the same. You’re taking advantage of her.”

A stricken look comes over him. “No. That’s not what I meant to—”

I shake my head. “Have you considered the reason she’s been hiding this from us?”

His brows crease. Straightening up, he fixes his gaze on me. “Did you know she was an omega?”

I shake my head. “I had no idea until tonight.”

“I always found it odd that she’s missing a scent,” he says. “What made her perfume so suddenly tonight.”

“Something changed after she got sick last week,” I say. “She must’ve come to know about her true nature after the visit to the ER. I think she’s been hiding the secret ever since.”

“How can she do that?”

“De-scenters,” I say.

“Why hide it from us?” he asks in a pained voice.

“We never gave her a reason to trust us,” I say. “From the moment she walked into our lives, we’ve been saying shit in front of her. Iris knows we’ve wanted an omega to act as a surrogate for us, that we have no intention of taking a second mate. She probably thought we’d use her instead of her sister. She thought we’d force her into it.”

Damon shakes his head. “I don’t care if she’s an omega or a beta. I’ve wanted her since the day she kicked my ass.”

A sudden chuckle escapes me. “You’re so fucked up, Damon.”

He cracks a grin.

“Do you think they caught her scent too?” I ask.

“My brothers?”

I nod.

“No one’s going to miss her unique perfume,” Damon says. “It’s so different from the usual sweetness that most omegas emit. She smells sweet too but in so many different ways.”

“Like blue skies and strawberry ice cream,” I say.

“Like a rose garden in summer,” Damon says.

We both inhale deeply, drawing in as much of the perfumed air as possible into our lungs.
