Page 23 of Beautiful Sinner

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Lucky? Nothing about being in this family had anything to do with luck. We’d all been forced into servitude of one kind or another.

My God. This was about something he’d done, not just a mistake, a massacre. While my entire family had tried to keep me away from news involving our family, I’d read enough, seen enough to know my father’s Mafioso had almost started a war with the Bratva years ago and were continuing to fight various smaller cartels and organized crime families from taking even a small piece of the family’s territory. There were other enemies, including politicians and members of law enforcement, but he would never consider entering into a contract with any of them.

No, something terrible had happened years before, multiple deaths or some other tragedy that had required this instead of war occurring in the streets of New York. If I didn’t agree to this atrocity, the city I adored would never recover.

“What is the real reason this is happening? I know this isn’t just about a business arrangement. Be honest with me, Father. What did you do?”

He snorted, rubbing his jaw. “It’s not your place to ask about business.”

“Hold on here. You’re trying to tell me that your world is a man’s world? That’s bullshit.” I kept backing away, trying to figure out where I could go. This was insane, my mind unable to wrap around the ramifications. He’d saved his ass by selling mine.

“What I’m telling you is that you don’t have a choice. That’s all you need to know.”

“Tell her.”

The deep-throated voice behind me was one I was usually thrilled to hear. Valentin had been my hero my entire life. He’d paid more attention to me than my own father. But by his words, he’d already admitted he’d been a part of the unholy deal made. I was blocked in, my brother remaining in the doorway. I took a step to the side, trying to catch my breath as I turned to look at him.

I found it interesting that he couldn’t seem to look me in the eyes. My powerful brother and heir to such a magical throne had been bested by a lie.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I demanded, glaring at my brother. While my father’s secrecy usually garnered respect from me, I couldn’t believe my big brother had been in on this and kept the secret. “Why, Valentin?”

“No one else knew but those involved in the negotiation,” Valentin stated. At least I could hear a heavy tone in his voice.

“And no one had the decency to prepare me. How dare you.” I couldn’t stop shaking.

“Tell her, Pops, or I will.” Valentin moved further into the room, standing only inches away from our father.

I swallowed hard but couldn’t get the bile from my throat. My entire world had just crumbled all around me. My sixth sense was also leading me down an even darker path. I knew exactly who I was betrothed to and it made me sick inside.

“We made a move against the Bratva. They’d stolen some of our products, pushing us out of an arms deal, so we retaliated.” I’d never heard my father’s voice sound so hollow, emotionless.

The Bratva.Printsessa. What I knew about the organization was limited, but enough to know there were three brothers, although one was reportedly still living in Russia. It didn’t matter which one they were trying to force me into marrying, they were all ruthless pigs, monsters who enjoyed torturing their victims.

“Call it motivation.”

The words reverberated in my mind. Even last night had been a setup.

“Finish it!” Valentin demanded.

“I ordered the men to take the Kozlovs’ daughter, but the mission failed, although we killed every soldier protecting the residence, injuring thePakhan.”

I’d known of some horrible things my father had done, but never something so disgusting. I refused to process anything else with a single exception. “Tell me that name of the person I’m supposed to marry.”

My father held my gaze, only now accepting what he’d signed in blood all those years ago. One daughter for another to make things right.

“It’s my understanding that you’ve already met him. He was at the party last night. From what I was told, he provided some assistance in a situation that you had no business being in. However, perhaps fate put the two of you together for a reason. His name is Sevastian Kozlov, youngest son of the Kozlov Bratva.”



Impending doom.

Those were the two words my father had used on a text in order to get me to come to his residence. He’d always had a flair for the dramatic, something he’d bestowed on his youngest son, a trait I’d done everything to rid my system of. Drama only got you killed. It took cool resilience to continue waging war against those who’d given up their souls not long after birth.

Even though I was one of those men, accepting my place while seeking greater power.

What he meant to say was that we were in the middle of a shit storm. Word on the street was the DEA was planning a raid, which put everyone on edge. I was in the process of having our recently purchased weapons transferred to a new and completely secure destination. I remained on edge, concerned we had a traitor in our ranks. If so, I’d hunt them down, enjoying hours of experimenting with my recently purchased knife.

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