Page 25 of Beautiful Sinner

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The last thing I’d ever been called or had thought of myself as a true romantic. My father knew every son from the inside out. He had uncanny abilities that had never ceased to amaze my brothers and me. “I guess so. As if I would care. What else is on your mind?”

He pulled a cigar from his pocket, taking the time to cut and light it before speaking. I sighed, trying to remain patient. My father was often far too dramatic for my tastes.

“Son, it’s time to create permanent peace with the Italians.”

I was surprised he’d changed conversations. “From what I can tell, there is peace in the land, at least with regard to those pigs.” Any mention of them infuriated me. The visions of what had occurred in this very house over eight years before had never left my mind. My own father had prevented me from exacting revenge, at least other than exterminating the same number of soldiers that they’d taken from us on that fucking night.

However, it hadn’t been enough for torturing Tatiana. One day, I would have my revenge.

“Imagine what they think of us,” he said in passing.

“Does this have a point?”

He took several puffs, finally closing the distance. “Have you ever wondered why peace was maintained between our families?”

“I couldn’t care less. If they cross the line one more time, I will erase them from this planet.”

“No, son, you will not do that. You see,” he took two more puffs, savoring the smoke even though his doctor had advised him to quit, “there’s a very good reason the streets of New York have remained safe, free of the wars we once inflicted on each other.”

I’d heard all the stories, the battles that had been fought early on. I’d been far too young at the time, but a part of me wished we hadn’t initiated peace. I’d never understood, and it was the single thing I’d never forgiven my father for.

“Is there a reason for these riddles?” My impatience was showing.

“The reason is that I made a deal Cesare Vincheti couldn’t refuse. Or let’s just say, he knew better than to try.”

I narrowed my eyes, studying him. I’ll be damned if he wasn’t smiling behind that damn cigar. “Get to the point.”

“The point for one is that Vincheti has never attempted to make a dent in the arms business after that day.” He waited until I nodded.

“That’s the reason for the first attack.”

“Yes, it is. They stole from us, I retaliated. They upped the game. I put an end to the nonsense.”

Exhaling, I tried to keep from getting angry. My father had played a vicious game. “What else?”

“Do you remember the birthday party eight years ago?”

I laughed again, tired of the games. Whatever path he was leading me down, I wasn’t interested in, but no one disrespected Vladimir Kozlov, including his own sons. “Of course I remember. The surprise was not exactly what that poor little girl thought she’d get for her birthday.”

“That poor little girl is all grown up.”

Instantly, red flags were raised, igniting my hackles. “Meaning what?”

“Na dannyy moment ona prinadlezhit vam.” He puffed away, waiting to see my reaction.

“What do you mean as of now she belongs to me?”

“The deal that was struck. An eye for an eye. In two months’ time, you’re going to marry Giada Vincheti.”

I burst into laughter immediately until I realized he was serious. “What did you do?”

“As I said, I made a deal that day while you were getting to know your future wife. If I seem to recall, you told me she was surprisingly intelligent and witty.”

“She was turning thirteen, for fuck’s sake, only a little younger than Tat at the time. What did you think I would say?”

“You always had a bit of a soft heart. That’s one reason I chose you.”

One. I knew the real reason why a noose had been placed around my neck. With Viktor handling items in Russia, his temporary place suddenly more permanent, Alexei would be elevated to the throne. I was merely the third born son, forced to follow whatever rules my father had created. Well, this was one I refused to do. “You did this without my permission.”

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