Page 69 of Beautiful Sinner

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She wrinkled her nose, glancing away as if remembering certain details. “My father made enemies from the time I can remember, but overt threats inside my father’s house? None that I recall.” As soon as she made the statement, she turned her head. Something had sparked a memory.

“You’re certain about that.”

“You sound like you don’t believe me.”

“It’s not important what I believe,printsessa. What’s important is finding out who had plans of extermination.” She shivered visibly after my statement, which she should learn to do. Whether or not she remembered something was difficult to tell. “There are always threats in our world, Giada. If you remember anything, it could prove helpful.”

She continued to look away, her brow furrowed. “What are your plans?”

I smiled, pinching her chin between my fingers. “None of your concern.”

When she snapped her hand around my arm, the sheet started to slip. Her laugh was delightful as she returned her hand to the covering, clutching it with her fingers. “I do think my father was worried about something. He was very angry on the day he told me about my upcoming nuptials. Honestly, I don’t think it was about me. He knew I’d met you at that godawful party, which was strange. I have no idea who told him.”

Instantly, my hackles were raised. “What did he say exactly?”

“I was so much in shock that I don’t remember verbatim. He acted as if I should consider it no big deal, but it wasn’t what he said as much as the crazed look in his eyes. Maybe I’m wrong, but my father and I weren’t close. He made a business arrangement so he wouldn’t need to lose his favorite daughter.”

She instantly looked away, but I caught the wetness that formed instantly in her eyes. “How could you not be his favorite?” I lifted her chin with a single finger, forcing her to look me in the eyes.

Giada honored me with another laugh, although this one was of disbelief. “I was a tomboy then, preferring jeans and tee shirts to the pretty, fluffy dresses my sister loved so much. I still prefer jeans. I was the kid who wanted to own horses and learn how to repair cars. And don’t you dare laugh at me. That’s what my father did, calling me his spawn instead of his daughter.” She seemed surprised she’d told me, a flash of anger in her eyes. “It doesn’t matter.”

Like hell it didn’t. I wanted to tear into the man. “Everything about you suddenly matters to me.”

She rose onto her tiptoes, stretching her long neck until our lips were almost touching. “If you’re not careful, Sevastian, the hatred you have for me will turn into something else.”

It already had. I pressed my lips against hers, darting my tongue across them then pulling away. “Whatever the reason for the attack, the two men coming to this island means they’re just getting started. Whoever their intended target, they won’t stop until they’ve fulfilled their mission. That’s why I need to keep you safe.”

“Then why aren’t we dead?”

She was far too intelligent for her own good. “Another good question.”

“Some of the men in the restaurant were using blanks.”

“You are correct. However, the fire was real as well as the weapons found on the men who invaded the island.”

“You don’t know who those men were, do you?”

“I wasn’t given the opportunity to interrogate them as I normally would,” I chided, giving her a sly smile. “However, it’s my best guess they were Colombians.”

“Colombians? I thought you didn’t deal in drugs.” Her eyes opened wide. “Wait a minute. Diamonds. Other precious jewels. That’s why you asked me if my father ever dealt in that kind of business.”

“No, my sweet princess. We don’t handle illegal drugs. As far as why I asked you about your father’s business dealings, you’re also correct. I can see your mind has been active.”

“It’s always active, Sevastian. I’m not just another pretty face. Now I remember. You’re arms dealers. Right?”

“You were paying attention,” I crooned.

“More than you know.”

Why did I have a feeling my little princess was hiding things from me?

“What else did you learn?”

She gave me a coy smile. “That’s something you’ll have to bargain for.”

I snagged the front of the sheet, yanking her closer. Red wine spilled from her glass all over her hand as well as the soft material.

“I don’t need to bargain for anything, my princess. I already told you, you’re mine.” When I pulled her hand away, easing her fingers to my lips, the sheet spiraled away, slowly dropping to the deck.

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