Page 54 of Beautiful Obsession

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The ugliness would forever remain in my mind.

After finding the rose, I’d changed my plans, calling the airlines and altering my flight. It was time to get back to reality.

Perhaps before it was too late.

I returned to the bathroom, tossing the last remaining toiletry items into my carryon, catching a reflection of myself. And for the first time in my life, I didn’t know who the person was staring back at me. She wasn’t the same woman who’d pulled all-nighters, living on Lance crackers and diet sodas. She certainly wasn’t the one who’d pledged an oath to the law or even the girl who’d accepted a position with the attorney general’s office.

The woman staring back at me had changed in a matter of forty-eight hours, losing all sense of reality. I leaned closer, my hand shaking as I gingerly touched the dragon tattoo on my arm, told by the artist that it would remain tender for a few days. I traced the lines slowly, finally encircling the crimson eye. My skin was slightly swollen and red, the dull ache a needed reminder I’d lost my mind.

Even worse than the fact I’d done something so stupid in my life was that I’d agreed to it in the first place.

Agreed wasn’t the word. Alexei had insisted and I hadn’t fought him.

The afternoon had been amazing, the time spent at the hidden lagoon magical. We’d made love more than once, our conversations becoming light and easy. We’d laughed. We’d finished the bottle of wine. I’d never felt so close to anyone in my life, so it had seemed natural to me when I’d been eager to have my arm permanently stamped with a reminder of the few days in which I’d tossed out all rationality. I’d felt free, so alive, as if for once I was living my life the way I wanted to.

But as I stared at the intricate design, I could still hear the words he’d whispered into my ear prior to me agreeing to the monumental event.

“You are aware of what this means,l’vitsa. Yes? You will be marked as mine. For those who understand the symbol, it serves as a warning that if they dare touch you, they will face dire consequences.”

I closed my eyes, cringing as I remembered the thrill that it had given me.

A few seconds later, I backed out of the bathroom, keeping my hand across the ink. Suddenly, I wanted to get home where I’d likely stay for a couple of days, ignoring the rest of the world.

If only that could happen.

As I headed toward the reservation desk to check out, several nagging feelings remained, all of them churning in my stomach. Whatever was brewing in New York had a good chance of exploding. And somehow, I was in the middle of it.

I rounded the corner and stopped in my tracks, an instant wave of nausea rushing into my stomach. There were two law enforcement vehicles parked in the courtyard, another large van with no markings close by. My nerves were instantly on edge as I took several deep breaths, a sixth sense forcing prickles down my arms.

You’re crazy. It’s just a medical emergency.

Even though I assured myself that’s the only reason for their visit, something deep inside of me said I was continuing to fool myself. I headed into the lounge, eyeing the police officers as they spoke in French to a man who appeared to be the manager. While their voices were hushed, I both heard and comprehended enough that my skin crawled.

A body found dead inside one of the rooms.

“May I help you?” the girl behind the counter asked in English, obviously remembering me from less than two days before.

“Unfortunately, I’m going to need to check out. I have an emergency at home.”

“I’m so sorry to hear that. I can handle that for you.”

After giving her my room number and name, I turned toward the men, studying them intently. When the police finally moved away, the manager shook his head and headed down a long corridor. “Excuse me. Do you know what that’s about?”

When I looked at her, it was easy to tell she was disturbed by whatever had occurred. “Not certain, Miss Morgan.” But she already knew, her face pinched, a nervous tic in the corner of her mouth.

“I hope it wasn’t something tragic.”

“No!” she said forcefully then laughed. “You’re all set. Just leave your key in the room when you leave. I hope you’ll join us again.”

“I do too.” I took the key and my receipt, determined to find out if I was right. I scampered out the door, moving down the main stone steps in search of them. After a full minute, I noticed them in the distance standing in front of one of the rooms. There were two other officers standing guard. I tried to maintain my composure as I headed toward them, slowing down as I neared.

“Is there a problem?” I asked, both men staring at me without saying anything. “Y a-t-il quelque chose qui ne va pas?” I repeated.

“Passez votre chemin, mademoiselle,” one of them said gruffly, indicating it was none of my concern.

I nodded, making a wide berth around them, darting a glance inside. There was no doubt someone had died in the room. If I wasn’t crazy, I could swear I caught a whiff of blood. After taking several deep breaths, I moved to where I couldn’t be seen, waiting to see if I could learn anything else.

At least fifteen minutes passed. Then the body was brought out on a stretcher. When it was rolled across the higher threshold, the victim’s arm slipped out from underneath the sheet.

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