Page 66 of Beautiful Obsession

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“Alexei Kozlov? I wanted you to treat yourself after everything you’d been through with Gregory, but you chose a notorious mobster? Stephanie, some of the photographs are… Let’s just say there was no doubt what the two of you were doing.”

Fuck. There it was.

Oh, God. Oh, God.

“I didn’t know who Alexei was when he came to my hotel room the night of the reception. He isn’t photographed very often.”

“No, but—”

“No, but nothing. All four of you encouraged me to go for it.” I was snapping at my best friend for my ridiculous behavior. At this point, it was nonconsequential. I might not live to face the crisis at this point.

“I’m not your enemy, Steph. What happened at the hotel is one thing, but what about the photographs in St. Martin? Looks like you were getting pretty cozy with him.”

“I can’t explain it right now, Amelia. Don’t judge me at this point.”I’m going through a lot of shit. I have a fucking serial killer after me.

“I’m not judging you, bestie, but I am concerned. You know what this is going to do to your life.”

“I’m well aware.”

“I just hope the affair was worth it. And I hope he stands by your side.”

I laughed bitterly, thinking about the rose and the note he’d left. At this point, and as crazy as it seemed, I might need to trust him. Alexei could be the only man capable of hunting down Sergei. By now, he’d heard about Sergei’s escape, but had he been made aware of the photographs?

“Stay safe, Amelia. Lock your doors.”

“What’s going on?”

“Just do what I say. Please.”

“You’re scaring me.”

“Don’t worry. I’m terrified enough for both of us. We’ll talk in a couple of days.” If I was alive in a couple of days.

How far I’d fallen, relying on a Bratva heir for safety. The worst part? I wanted my Russian lover to kill the man.

The sun was already fading in the sky, twilight settling in. The darkness wouldn’t be soothing. Against my better judgment, I continued the drive to my house, determined to get a few things before checking into a hotel. I kept my weapon in my hand after climbing out, scanning the road. Nothing seemed amiss from the few days I’d been gone. As I headed to the front door, I thought about the few arguments I’d had with Gregory about where to live. He’d insisted I sell my house in order to move into his condo.

And he’d never considered the beach house in the Hamptons. Perhaps that had always been another sore point with me.

I grabbed my suitcase and purse, continuously searching the twilight skies to ensure I was alone.

The moment I slipped the key into the lock, I pulled the gun even closer. By the time I opened the door, I was jittery, my hand shaking. When I turned on the light in the small foyer, I half expected Sergei to be waiting for me.

Or Alexei.

Greeted by nothing but silence, I ventured further inside, pressing the code for the security system, a gift to myself a few years before. After I locked the door and rearmed the system, I stood with my back pressed against the aging wood, relishing the few moments of peace. My phone had rung at least four times. I hadn’t bothered to glance at the screen. I could only imagine the notoriety would get worse over the coming days or weeks. I could just see the headlines now.A high and mighty prosecutor bedding a ruthless killer.Yeah, that would bode well for retirement.

I tossed my purse on the hallway table and made my way into the kitchen, putting my suitcase on the tile floor. Maybe a glass of wine would help ease my erratic nerves. I placed the gun on the counter within reach then yanked the half-consumed bottle of wine closer. As I grabbed a glass, I thought about what fear had done to my life, the cascading tremors that had stolen months of sleep, driving me toward my own personal level of madness. After Sergei had been convicted, I’d tried to heal myself, never mentioning the case to anyone, especially not to Gregory.

I’d done well, delving into my work as if it was the only thing that mattered in the world. I’d loathed criminals, doing everything in my power to win every case. But I’d never stooped to illegal measures, although Alexei had been right in that I’d come close more than once given Gregory’s encouragement.

Hell, that was something that could be put on my tombstone.

Then I’d accepted a monster in my bed. No, not just accepted, I’d encouraged him. Trusting him. Hungering for him. Why couldn’t I get Alexei out of my mind? And why did I have the feeling he would always be a part of my life?

I took a sip of wine, closing my eyes as I tried to prepare myself for the onslaught of negativity and accusations. I was strong. I could handle them. However, the missing piece was how Alexei would handle being associated with the enemy. Ugh. My entire life was spiraling out of control.

After consuming almost half the glass, I shoved it aside, grabbing my case and heading toward the bedroom. A strange feeling swept over me the moment I turned on the light. There were no telltale signs anyone had been inside, yet I knew someone had been here. The strange vibes coursing through me were like flickering candles in a strong breeze.

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