Page 30 of Born to be Bad

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She licks the slit, my eyes flying open as my fingers tangle in her hair.

“Suck me, Tig,” I groan.

Her eyes flicker up to meet mine as she leans forward, taking more of me. I watch, fascinated, at the sight of my dick disappearing into her pretty pink lips. Fuck me. It’s just about the most beautiful sight I’ve ever fucking seen.

A hiss of breath escapes me as the tip of my dick hits the back of her throat, and she wraps her left hand around the rest of my shaft, pumping it as her lips hollow out and she sucks hard. I almost see stars.

“I need to fuck yer mouth,leannán,”I murmur, and she slacks her jaw.

Groaning at her submission, I tighten my grip on her hair and start pumping. Her left hand falls away from my shaft, and she grips my hip with it as I fuck her mouth. My balls are tightening, a growl ripping from my throat.

“I want ye to swallow every last drop.”

Tiggy’s eyes widen as I come, and she’s frantically swallowing, making sure not a single drop spills out of her mouth.

Letting my dick slip from her mouth, I drop a kiss on her forehead, carefully helping her out of her clothes and into bed. Tucking the coverlet around her, I lie on the bed beside her, tugging her into my arms, my hand creeping down to her crotch to take care of her when she sighs, snuggling her head underneath my chin.

“Can you just hold me for a bit, Seamus?” she whispers.

My hand freezes on her stomach. I can’t say I have ever fuckingcuddledwith a woman before. I’m not entirely sure what I’m supposed to do, but Tiggy sighs contentedly when I leave my hand on her stomach.

Taking my cues from her soft noises of satisfaction, I curl myself around her as she lies on her back. Eventually, her breathing evens out as she falls asleep. My eyes trace over her face, no longer pinched with pain as it was tonight. Her long, dark lashes lay against her pale cheeks.

I contemplate moving, going back down to the lads in the den now she is asleep, but I don’t want to wake her, and fuck it, I’m comfortable where I am. I’m interested to see how long they fucking wait there. I close my eyes, falling asleep quickly.


Seamus is gone when I wake up, which isn't anything new. I'm feeling stiff and sore, no doubt from being in a car that got rammed.

Every cloud has a silver lining, and mine comes in the form of the claw-footed tub. I have a lovely soak in the rose-scented water. I have been stockpiling bath bombs with every shopping trip.

Reluctantly climbing out when the water moves from tepid to cool, I pull on jeans, and an oversized woolen sweater, and stuff my feet into mocassins.

Unusually, Niall isn't in the parlor when I walk downstairs, but I can hear voices from the den. As I approach the door, I hesitate. It is more than him and Seamus here.

I know I'm not supposed to go near that room, so I am nervous as I knock on the door. Am I going to be told to fuck off? I just want to offer them some breakfast.

The voices stop, footsteps sound, and the door opens. Liam stares at me for a beat, steppingback. They're all in there, all six of them, and Seamus shoves up from the desk chair in surprise.

“Everything okay?”

I flush as six pairs of eyes stare at me expectantly, but the words seem to have died in my throat. It's Niall who speaks up to save me.

“She wants to know how everyone takes their eggs.”

“Eggs?” Seamus parrots, looking nonplussed, whether from the question or the fact that Niall is speaking for me, I’m not entirely sure.

I’m sure he wanted his dick in my mouth last night because he didn’t like Niall and me having inside jokes, and it was his way of proving I am his.

“They'll have them scrambled,” Niall tells me, ignoring Seamus. “Just come fetch us when they're ready.”

As I turn to leave, I have to bite back a smile at the argument my husband and my bodyguard are now having.

“Fucking eggs?” Seamus spits.

“Maybe if ye hung around for long enough in the morning, ye’d know how fucking amazing at cooking breakfast yer wife is.”

There's a low growl. Niall is taunting my husband for some reason. That’s a dangerous move. My father wouldn’t allow such disrespect from his men. I’m surprised Seamus allows leeway from his crew. The rest of their conversation is lost to me when Liam shuts the den door.
