Page 43 of Born to be Bad

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“How’s this for bossy? I want to go to the grocery store. I want to make a lamb stew for dinner.”

Liam grumbles as I hustle him to his feet. He drags his feet all the way to the SUV. Whatever. If I’m stuck here, I should at least be able to go wherever I want. I’ll start small with the grocery store. Maybe tomorrow I’ll see a movie.

Chapter Thirteen


I let myself into the soundproofed basement underneath Oracle, and Niall glances over at me. His white T-shirt is covered with blood, and the man strapped to the table is missing all his teeth and eight of his fingers.

The soles of his feet have been cut and beaten, and he’s moaning softly as Niall lifts the knife out of his flesh.

“Anything?” I ask him.

Niall grins. “Some.” He turns back to the moaning man. “This is Seamus Fitzpatrick. It’s his wife ye went after.”

At Niall’s words, the man’s eyes widen with fear, flickering over my face.

“W-we were approached and told which car to target. We weren’t t-told who would be in it or anything like th-that.” Blood dribbles down his chin as he babbles.

“Who approached you?” I ask, my arms crossing over my chest.

He shakes his head back and forth like a tennis spectator. “They were European, Eastern European. That’s all I know.”

Sincerity shines out of his tear-filled eyes. I nod to Niall, whose knife flashes out, and the man’s head tips back, his throat opening like a blood-red flower blooming in one of those sped-up time-lapse documentaries.

“Get rid of him. I need to call my father.”

Spinning on my heel, I stalk up to my office. Tiggy is in the main bar, doing a stocktake with Mellie, one of our bartenders. Dropping into my chair, I pinch the bridge of my nose and call my father.

“Did Niall break the fucker yet?”

“Yeah. He’s taken care of him.”


“They were paid to ram the car. No other information was given. Some Eastern Europeans.”

“So, Connor could have been the target, not yer wee wife.”

My stomach jolts. It was Lucky’s car. He could easily have been the target.

“You think this could be about Lucky’s tables?”

“I think we can’t rule anything out. It could have been a target on Lucky. It could have been on Tiggy if someone was watching the club and knew she had been put into that car. Feck, son, it could have been an attack on ye.”

Jesus fuck, this is a bigger fucking mess than I thought.

“Whether this is related, something is going on with the Romanians,” Pa curses. “Darragh is trying to get to the bottom of it. Send Niall to him.”

“I will. Keep me posted.”

“This marriage was supposed to end all this shite. I’m starting to think it’s not worth it. Maybe we should hand the lass back and pay for an annulment.”

“I’ll send Niall to Darragh,” I grit out, hitting the end call button before the growl I was suppressing rolls out of me. Like fuck I’m handing Tig back. She’s fuckingmine.

I pull up Niall’s number. He’ll be disposing of the Bulgarian’s body, but he can go to Darragh.

SEAMUS: Darragh needs help with something. The Romanians are up to no good. Need you on it. Sort it out.
