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Seth nods. “I know,” he murmurs.

“Like I told Hunter, we’ll pick you up around two.”

Seth nods again.

I stride towards him and pluck the glass out of his hand before wrapping my arms around him, pulling him into a fierce hug. “I’ll miss you.”

“I’ll miss you, too,” Seth whispers.

“Alright, should we get going?” Alex gasps while tugging my suitcase behind him. “I don’t want to be too late. My parents have already called me three times, wondering if we’re at the airport, yet.”

I grimace. “That’s a bit much, isn’t it?”

Alex sets my bag on the ground and shrugs. “My parents are usually nervous when I fly on my own.”

“But you won’t be on your own,” Lucas says while striding down the hall towards us. “You’ll be with us.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to stay with me?” Alex asks, changing the topic swiftly.

Lucas makes a face. “I don’t want your parents asking questions.”

“But your mom said you don’t have much space, right, Rachel?” Alex gives me a pointed look.

I wave a hand at him. “It’ll be fine.” I grab my hands to keep from ringing them.At least, I think it’ll be fine.Mom said to bring my boyfriends. Well, actually, she said I could bring my ‘friends.’ It’ll definitely be interesting, and I can’t stop myself from being nervous, knowing that my bros are going to be meeting my father and seeing where I grew up.

I just hope there won’t be any fighting.

“Are you sure you don’t want to at least tell your parents you’ll be in town?” Alex asks, a deep frown marring his face.

Lucas shakes his head. “No,” he says sternly.

Alex opens his mouth, but Lucas gives him a dark look, silencing whatever was about to be said. Lucas has worked so hard this semester, trying to make it on his own without his parents’ money. He even saved up to buy tickets to go to New York. Lucas has been doing so well without his parents, despite his initial worries. They haven’t even bothered to call to see how he’s doing. I can understand why Lucas doesn’t want to talk about it, but I can also understand why Alex is so worried about him.

“Alright,” I say while clapping my hands together. “We should get heading out.”

“Safe travels,” says Hunter while wrapping his arms around me.

“And happy holidays,” says Seth while holding me from behind.

Alex and Lucas join us, and I smile, feeling my bros’ warmth as we say our final goodbyes. “Let’s all get pizza when we’re together again,” I rush out, feeling like I’m going to cry. I don’t know why. It’s not like I’m saying goodbye to Hunter and Seth forever.

But Hunter is leaving soon,a sad voice whispers in the back of my head. I inhale deeply and push that thought away.Soon, but not now.

“Pizza in New York, it is,” says Alex while pulling away.

I wipe my eyes, hoping no one sees how emotional I’m getting. “It’s supposed to be the best in the world,” I say with a slight chuckle.

Hunter scoffs. “Please, everyone knows Chicago has the better pizza.”

My mouth gapes open and I jab his chest with a very pointy finger. “Don’t start that lunacy, Hunter,” I say while smiling brightly up at him.

Hunter crosses his arms, his head tilting while he gives me a mischievous look. “What are you going to do about it, Rachel?”

I shake my head at him before throwing my arms around his waist. Whatever may come, I know Hunter cares about me. All the bros do. I sigh in his arms, nuzzling my head into his chest while Lucas and Alex grab all the bags and make their way to the door.

“Rachel, are you coming or are you staying?” Lucas calls teasingly.

“Coming!” I call back, slowly pulling away from Hunter. “See you in New York?” I say while staring up at Hunter.

He nods and pats my shoulder. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

I turn away from him, forcing myself forward. Grabbing my purse lying at the entrance, I follow Lucas and Alex down the steps and towards our cab. All four bros will be meeting my family. All four bros will be with me, under one roof, with my family. My stomach twists and I grimace, trying to ignore the nausea that comes with it. I can’t help but think of my mother and how angry she was when she discovered me with my boyfriends. What if the same thing happens with my dad? What if Mom invited me and the bros for some sort of intervention?

Everything will be fine, I tell myself while sliding into the cab next to Alex.I shouldn’t worry about things I can’t change.

Alex grabs my hand and I turn to him, feeling his warmth going through my arm, swelling my heart. “Don’t worry,” he whispers while leaning in close, a soft smile playing at his lips. “I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”

I blink back at him, my fingers lacing with his. My lips twitch upwards into a smile, and I nod, turning my gaze to the windows and the mountains staring back at me.No matter what happens, I will have the bros’ support.

And that’s all that matters.
