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He looks pissed. His hands are fisting. He’s scowling at the table. Oh, no, poor Seth. Well, I guess this is another way to go about telling someone you like them. Although, not the best. It would have been better if he had said something before kissing Alex.

“Wait, why aren’t you more shocked about this?”

I grimace.

Alex leans away from me, his eyes widening as he points a trembling finger at me. “Did he tell you? Did you already know about this? I’ve been dying to say something all last weekend, but I thought—”

“Alex, stop,” I say while taking his finger and pulling him close. I lace my fingers with his, hoping my warmth calms whatever is going on in that little head of his. “Seth didn’t tell me. I didn’t know about the kiss.”


“Seth told me before the trip that he has a thing for you.”

“What?” Alex breathes, his eyes growing as big as saucers. His mouth gapes open at me and all the redness in his cheeks dissipates. I frown, my other hand rubbing his shoulder, hoping he’s not going to faint on me.

“Are you okay, Alex?”

Alex doesn’t say anything. His mouth promptly shuts and he stares at me as if he’s seeing through me. Crap. I didn’t think he would react this way. Honestly, I didn’t know what to expect—maybe that he would laugh it off? Or speak with me about how he doesn’t have feelings for Seth in that way, but regards him as a close friend? I wave a hand in front of Alex’s face, but he doesn’t blink. Just what is going on inside that head of his?

“Alex,” I say, but he doesn’t respond. “Alex,” I try again, waving my hand faster in front of him.

Alex turns toward me, his eyes still wide with alarm. “Huh?”

I frown. “Are you okay? You look like you’re going to pass out.”

“I’m fine,” he rasps.

My gaze narrows on him. He doesn’t look fine. He looks like he’s about to implode. “Maybe you should talk to Seth about this.”

Alex groans. “I’ve tried, but he keeps running away from me.”

Well, that sounds about right. “I guess, keep trying?” I say meekly, earning a frustrated look from Alex.

“I have one extra chocolatey hot chocolate,” Charlie announces while setting a mug in front of Alex with a tower of whipped cream.

“Oh, thank God,” Alex murmurs, taking the mug into his hands.

I chuckle while watching Alex drink his hot cocoa. “It’s going to be okay,” I say while patting his hand. “Just let Seth know it’s important that you speak to him. I’m sure he won’t be able to say no.”

Alex doesn’t say anything, his attention focused on his hot chocolate. I get the distinct feeling that something has only just begun between Seth and Alex.

Chapter 26


Rachel’swordsrepeatoverand over in my head.Just let Seth know it’s important,Rachel said last week.I’m sure he won’t be able to say no.Ha, easier said than done. I listen to the sounds of the shower still running. All our teammates are nearly finished getting ready. Several have already left for the evening. Seth must be trying his hardest to avoid me, again, like he’s been doing since we returned to Colorado.

Tuesday, after I spoke with Rachel, I tried catching Seth before his morning run. His run, of course, was at five in the morning. Who runs at five in the morning in winter? I guess Seth does. At least he does when he’s trying to steer clear of me. He’s done this before, after the whole hotel incident in Boulder. I’m not going to let him get away with this again. I have feelings, too. They might just be different from Seth’s. Maybe. Probably.

I inwardly groan.

“Hey, Seth, do you think we can talk about what happened in Chicago?”I remember asking him while watching him throw on his coat, moving unusually fast even for him.

“Yeah, sure, whatever,”he had said without bothering to look at me. A part of me wanted to know if something was on my face.

I waited that entire morning. At first, I thought he was doing an hour run, starting off slow and then building up. At six, I decided to make my breakfast. Once seven hit, I wondered if he stopped off for breakfast somewhere. When eight rolled around, I was fuming and staring at the apartment door, waiting for it to open and his stupid face to pop inside.

Of course the bastard never came back after his morning run and I was nearly late to my first class. Apparently, Seth went running and it took him so long that he decided to go straight to class afterward, without his books and his backpack. Who goes to class without a pencil? Apparently, Seth does.
