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I blink. Where the hell did that come from? Giggles crawl up my throat but I clench my jaw to stifle them. I can’t laugh at him when he’s this worried. That will only make it worse. “No, Lucas. It’s not stomach cancer. It’s probably just a little stomach bug.”

“How do you know?”

I roll my eyes. “Trust me, I know.”

“You should still go to the hospital. Now. Did you call Hunter?”

“Yes, I called Hunter,” I rush out, irritated that he’s telling me what to do. I know my own body. He doesn’t need to tell me what to do with it. “It’s fine. I’m fine. Now, will you be able to cover my shift? Or do you want me to come in so I can prove to you I don’t have stomach cancer?”

There’s a pause on the other line and I imagine him looking around the cafe, staring at a crowd of people. I shouldn’t have called in. This was dumb. I should have never listened to Lauren but crawling into bed and cuddling with my pillows was too enticing not to at least try.

“No, Rachel, I don’t need you here. Go home and get some rest.”

I release a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Lucas.”

“And you’re sure it’s just a stomach bug?”

“Yep,” I lie. “Absolutely sure.”

After I hang up, I push myself off the bench and start walking, not knowing exactly where my feet are taking me. The track fields aren’t that far away. What am I going to do for the next hour? I could go to the library, or I could pull out my sketchbooks and catch up on some work. I don’t feel inspired whatsoever and the thought of drawing makes me groan. Mom hasn’t called for a while. Maybe she can help me with this whole pregnancy thing and telling the bros. I’m sure she has some advice to offer, as well as a long rant about how I should have told her sooner.

I drag out my phone again, and dial her number, my insides twisting as I hear the ring on the other line. This could be another bad idea. Ever since mom started dating Bryan, she hasn’t cared about anything else. I was surprised she even bothered coming to the market in May and even more surprised when she didn’t get into a fight with Dad. Although, they did keep their distance from each other.

“Rachie!” Mom squeals and I wince, pulling the phone away from my ear. “What a pleasant surprise!”

“Hey, Mom—”

“It’s so great that you called! I’ve been meaning to talk to you, but I’ve been so busy these days.”

“It’s okay, Mom, I—”

“I’m getting married!”

I feel the world tilt. Everything stops. I can no longer hear the birds twittering or the couple chatting on a bench nearby. Time seems to stop and all I want is for the ground to open up and swallow me whole.


Did I hear right? Or am I imagining things?

“It’s going to be a spring wedding. I’m thinking May. What do you think?”

This cannot be happening. “I’m sorry, Mom,” I rush out, “I’m afraid I don’t actually have time to talk. I forgot I had… a… photography class in five minutes.”

“How can you forget that?”

I chuckle uneasily. “I’ve been a little sleep deprived these days. You know, senior year and all. It gets pretty intense.”

“Uh-huh.” She’s not buying it. She knows I’m upset, which is probably making her upset.

“Anyway, sorry, Mom. Gotta go. Love you! Bye!”

I hang up before she can get a word in. Thankfully, she doesn’t call me back. I cram my phone back in my purse and start walking, not knowing where, just knowing I need to vent my frustrations somewhere. How can she be getting remarried? It hasn’t even been a year since she and dad divorced. And to Bryan of all people! Yah, I haven’t really gotten to know the guy, and sure, I should give him a chance, but still he rubs me the wrong way. No one can ever replace my dad and yet, Mom seems to think I should accept Bryan into my life all because she says he’s a swell guy. No thank you! Ugh.

I throw open a door in front of me and stop, looking around at the store I just entered and finding Seth’s bemused face staring at me from behind the counter. I was so focused on my mom and her upcoming wedding nuptials; I hadn’t realized I had walked straight into Fleet Feet.

“Hey, Rachel,” Seth says uneasily. “Are you okay?”

My bottom lip quivers and tear prickle my eyes. I rush to him as he walks around the counter and I throw my arms around his neck. “No,” I sob while burying my face into his chest. “I’m not. Not at all.”
