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Jason makes a face and I instantly stiffen, my hands clenching, ready to punch him in the face if he says-

“She’s gotten fat.”

Don’t do it, Lucas, I tell myself while clenching my jaw, keeping my rage down. But, boy, does Jason make it hard. He smirks while staring at Rachel, looking like a complete asshole as his gaze runs up and down her body.

“What’s going on with her? She used to look so… different.”

“She’s fine,” I say through clenched teeth.

Jason must notice the darkness in my tone, because he takes a step away from me, his hand lacing with his girlfriend’s. He chuckles awkwardly and runs a hand through his hair. “I’m sure it’s nothing,” he rushes out. “I know she’s been missing work here and there. Is she doing okay? Are things well at home?”

I take a deep breath, feeling the rage simmering. Jason doesn’t mean to be an asshole. He tends to blurt out whatever is in his head. The guy has no filter. “I think so,” I grumble.

“You think what?” Rachel asks brightly, appearing out of nowhere. My attention was so focused on Jason, I didn’t even notice her approaching us. Her hand grabs mine and she pulls me close, smiling sweetly up at me.

“Jason hired a new victim,” I rush out, wanting to change the subject. I will ask Rachel what’s going on, but not in front of Jason and other prying ears. They don’t need to know all her problems.

“Sophia’s her name,” Jason says with a smug grin.

Rachel frowns. “But, you’re here.” Her eyes widen and she looks horrified, suddenly realizing exactly where Sophia is right now. “You’re having her close on her first day?”

Jason groans. “This again? From the both of you?”

“It’s her first day!” Rachel shouts. “Does she even know how to work the cash register?”

Jason rolls his eyes. “Yes. I taught her hours ago.”

“Hours ago?” Rachel and I say in unison.

Even his girlfriend is glaring daggers at him. Jason sighs and he gives Rachel and I a wide-eyed innocent look as if he didn’t know what he did was a terrible thing. “Fine,” he huffs while turning around. “I’ll go check on her.”

“You better!” I call while watching him head toward the door. “Don’t come back until you do.”

Jason turns around and gives me the finger before stalking out the door. Rachel shakes her head and shoves another cookie into her mouth. “Can you believe that guy?” She asks between mouthfuls.

Honestly, his laziness and rudeness are expected. It’s Rachel I can’t quite believe right now. Rachel turns toward me, her lips parting and her eyes widening on me. And that’s when I realize, I didn’t think that comment at all. I said it right out loud for her to hear.

“What do you mean, ‘you can’t believe me’?” She asks sadly.

I grimace. Fuck, Lucas. You really did it this time. “I’m just worried about you.”

“Why?” She shoves the rest of the cookie into her mouth, looking way too sad considering all the sugar she’s ate within an hour of being here.

“You’ve been acting… different.” There’s no way I’m going to bring up her weight at a party like this. “You’ve been on and off sick. And… you’ve been acting strange.”

“Strange how?”

I sigh, hating this. Why couldn’t I keep my stupid mouth close? “Hunter spoke to me several weeks ago.” That’s good. Blame it on Hunter. He makes for an easy scapegoat. “He’s worried you’re depressed. I’m worried he might be right.”

Rachel steps toward me, placing her hand on my cheek. I lean into the touch, watching her as she says, “I’m fine, Lucas. I’m not depressed at all. Senior year has been a bit crazy and yes, I’ve been stressed, but everything is fine. Really.” She smiles and tilts her head, her hand stroking the hair away from my face. “But, if you want, we can go to a quieter place and talk about this further.”

There’s something in her tone that entices me. Something sultry, provocative. Her smile has a mischievous tilt to it. Her gaze holds mine and I find myself bobbing my head, allowing her to take my hand and guide me through the crowd. She leads me to the back, where the bathrooms are. A couple lingers in the corner, smiling up at each other, leaning toward each other. They don’t notice us as we pass them. Rachel opens the bathroom door and tugs me inside, her smile growing as she slams the door shut.

Glancing around, I notice the toilet in the corner, the sink across from me. There’s a crack in the top corner of the mirror. The tiles are clean, yet dirt litters the cracks, cemented there, possibly forever. I frown when I hear the bolt behind me.

“What’s going on—”

Rachel is on me the moment I face her. Her arms circle my neck, bringing me close. Her tongue delves inside, seeking, demanding I respond to her. I grab her hips, keeping her from grinding against me. Her breasts press on my arm and a shiver ripples down my spine, pooling into my core. My cock twitches. My barriers are lowering. She’s too good at this kissing thing. My tongue responds to her, flicking into her mouth. She moans low and the hair on the back of my neck rises. My hands cup her ass, drawing her closer. I groan when I feel her rubbing against my hardening cock. This feels too good.
