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I wrinkle my nose at the tobacco wafting toward me and push my way through the crowd, up the porch, and into the house. Music blasts through my ears. Girls brace themselves against the wall, dressed in mini dresses that barely cover their ass and breasts. Men bump into me, spilling beer onto my jeans. My anger burns when they don’t bother apologizing to me.

Closing my eyes, I count to ten, deciding they’re not worth it. I can take my anger out on Seth as soon as I find him. Wherever he may be. My first choice is to check the kitchen. I find a group of three guys doing a keg stand with a group of girls ignoring them and talking about some teammate they all hate.

I backtrack, nearly stepping on someone who looks more like a high school kid than a college frat bro. He dodges me and shoots me a nasty look before joining his friends at the keg. With an exasperated sigh, I trudge back into the hallway, grimacing when I enter a line of people trying to make their way toward the exit. Pushing through, I nearly fall into the dance floor and a girl grabs my hand and begins grinding on me.

“Excuse me,” I say while grabbing her hand and sliding them off me.

She smiles up at me, her face flushed, her pink lipstick matching her dress. Someone didn’t get the memo about fall. She leans into me and puckers her lips. I try desperately to step away, but my back hits something.


My eyes widen on Mike. His face is completely red. He’s holding two shot glasses, both empty, and his eyes are looking in opposite directions.

“You made it,” he slurs while throwing an arm over my shoulder, guiding me back into the kitchen. “I can’t believe you made it!”

It’s amazing how the crowd just parts for him like he’s Jesus freaking Christ. It’s a super power I sometimes wish I had.

“Have you seen Seth?”

I look over my shoulder, wondering if he’s in the line heading outside, or maybe this is the line heading in? I can’t tell anymore. There are too many people. Mike’s parties are always like being at a rock concert. There’s always a line and you have no clue which one you’re standing in.

“Seth?” Mike slurs while pouring himself another shot, spilling vodka all over his hand. It drips down to the floor, where there’s already a small spill of what looks to be rum. Or tequila.

“Hey, Brody!” Mike calls over his shoulder before downing his shot. “Have you seen Seth?”

Brody, AKA, one of the guys holding the leg of his friend while he does a keg stand, perks up. He drops his friend’s leg, unable to multitask while he recalls where Seth could potentially be.

“Who’s Seth again?” Brody asks after what seems to be forever while stroking his dimpled chin.

“Alex’s friend!” Mike shouts with a chuckle and claps me on the back.

Brody squints his brown eyes at Mike, his bushy brown brows pushing together. “I don’t know no Alex.”

Mike rolls his eyes. “This is Alex,” Mike says while gesturing to me.

Brody looks me up and down before holding out his hand. “Nice to meet you!”

Oh my fucking God, I am way too sober for this bullshit.

Before I can come up with a response, the door behind Brody opens and in waltzes Seth. Well, more like stumble, really. He leans against the counter as the door slams shut behind him. His eyes are barely open. He giggles to himself while he attempts to straighten himself, nearly falling into the keg and Brody.

“Hey!” Seth laughs. “Who’s ready for tequila?!”

“We are!” Mike and Brody shout at the same time. His friend, still doing a keg stand, mumbles while his other friend laughs.

“I think you’ve had enough, Seth,” I say while pushing my way past Brody and grabbing Seth’s arm.

He instantly leans into me, his head resting on my shoulder. “Alex,” he mumbles. “You’re here. Why are you here?”

“I’m here to take you home,” I whisper into his ear, trying to ignore how good he smells, how good it is to have him in my arms like this, with everyone watching. Does he even realize what he’s doing?

With that thought, I straighten from him, knowing it’s wrong for me to take advantage of him when he’s like this. This isn’t the real Seth. This is some drunk, barely a person, Seth. He would be mortified if someone told him he was snuggling up to me while he was completely trashed.

“Home?” Seth asks while stumbling toward me. He grimaces and shakes his head. “I don’t want to go home. It’s party time!”

“Yeah!” Brody and Mike shout.

I shoot them a very dirty look and their drunken faces sober.
