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The kiss deepens, and my legs instinctively wrap around his waist, bringing him closer to me. I arch into his touch, grinding my hard cock against him. Alex moans again. I nibble is bottom lip, loving how he gasps and paws at me. I push his shirt up, attempting to rip it from his shoulders so I can feast my eyes on his chiseled abs and his strong arms.

Yet, something changes. Alex’s eyes snap open and within seconds he’s wrenching himself away from me. He straightens his shirt while I move myself into a sitting position. The lack of his body heat leaves me chilled and I hug myself while watching him pace back and forth in front of me. He looks flustered. His bright red hair is sticking up wildly, his cheeks are flushed, and his lips are swollen, making me want to kiss them once more.

Finally, Alex stops and shoots me a scowl. “What the actual fuck, Seth?” He says louder than needed.

I blink back at him. “Huh?” How can he go from kissing me to shouting at me within a span of five minutes? Everything was fine when we were on the bed. My gaze drifts to his crotch, wondering what I need to do to get him back into bed.

“Huh?” Alex shouts. “That’s all you have to say is, ‘huh’?”

I shrug. “Well, yeah. What do you expect? We were kissing and now you’re acting all—” Don’t say crazy, Seth, I tell myself while I search for an appropriate word. If you say crazy, you can say goodbye to sexy time. “Weird,” I finish. Good job, Seth. That won’t get you into trouble at all.

Alex clenches his jaw. He crosses his arms and his expression darkens. Apparently, weird wasn’t a good word choice after all. Alex remains glued where he stand, which I can’t figure out if it’s a good thing or not. Sure, he’s far enough away where he can’t punch me, but then again, he’s too far away to kiss.

“Weird?” Alex says with a nod, his tone bitter. “You think I’m acting weird?”

I groan. “Come on, Alex. Can’t we just get back to—”

“You do realize Rachel is waiting at home, crying her eyes out, because you decided to up and leave.”

At the mention of Rachel, my erection dies and I’m matching Alex’s scowl with my own. “I left, because she lied to me.”

“Usually people in relationships talk this shit out, Seth.”

I laugh bitterly, rising from the bed. “Usually people in relationships don’t hide pregnancies for… what? How long has she been pregnant?”

Alex purses his lips. His gaze is hard on mine, and I realize after several long, drawn out minutes, he’s not going to answer me.

“How long, Alex?”

With a frustrated sigh, he mutters, “about six months.”

“Six months?” I repeat. She’s been hiding her pregnancy for that long and I never noticed? I’m either blind or an idiot. Six fucking months and she’s been keeping this secret from me. And I’m supposed to accept it and let bygones be bygones. No fucking way. “You have to be fucking kidding me!” I shout, unable to contain my anger.


“Oh, don’t ‘Seth’ me!” I shout. I suddenly feel like punching something. Alex looks like a pretty good punching bag right about now. “She’s kept this secret from us and you just expect me to forgive her?”

Alex sighs. “At least come home. We can have this argument in the morning when you’re well rested and sober.”

“No!” I shout, my hands fisting. “There’s no fucking way I’m going home right now.”

“Seth, you’re being an asshole!”

“I don’t care,” I laugh. “She was an asshole first.” I erase the few feet between us, pressing my body against his. It must be the tequila, because he looks so good and I want to do him. “Now,” I breathe, wrapping my arms around his neck. “Fuck me on that mattress. Let’s do all the little things we did in camp. Doesn’t that sound like fun?”

Alex doesn’t move. The anger ebbs from his face and for a moment I think he’s about to give in. He leans into me, his mouth only millimeters from mine. I can practically taste him on my lips. But then, he’s removing my arms from his neck. They flop at my side and I clench my jaw, trying to ignore the prickling in my eyes as I stare up at him.

“No, Seth,” Alex says softly. “I’m going home. You can either come with me or stay here.”

I take a step back like he’s stabbed a blade right through my heart. The prickling in my eyes increase and I quickly blink away the tears.Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry, I tell myself. He’s not worth it. I’m not a big baby. Men don’t cry.

Alex turns around and I can’t believe he’s walking toward the door. He’s going to leave just like that. He was the one who wanted me on the bed. I started it, but he continued. I’m not the one at fault for distracting him from our Rachel Problem.

“So that’s it,” I call after him as he reaches for the door. “You’re just going to leave me like that? What? You playing hard to get?” I chuckle cruelly and shake my head. “You know you’re going to want some of this tomorrow. Maybe I won’t be so interested in putting out then.”

Alex looks over his shoulder, his gaze hard on mine. My breath hitches as he stalks back toward me. He looks furious, but I can deal with that. It wouldn’t be our first time having rough sex. It can be quite fun, as well.

“There’s not going to be a tomorrow, Seth,” Alex whispers harshly as he stops in front of me.
