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I grab the clipboard, and plop myself down on the chair. I should finish filling out the paper work, but I can’t focus. I only hope Lucas is able to find Alex and get Seth to the hospital. Let’s just hope Seth actually listens to Lucas.

Chapter 24


“Allthoseinoneone may begin boarding,” the gate agent says into the intercom.

I look down at my ticket, finding Zone 1 in bold letters above my seat assignment. I guess that means me. Throwing my duffel bag over one shoulder, I rise from the uncomfortable chair and make my way toward the growing line.

A girl slides in front of me just as I make it to the line. I roll my eyes, deciding it best to bite my tongue rather than say anything rude. She has a carryon. She’s probably concerned they will run out of space and she will be forced to check it. I, on the other hand, can squeeze my duffel bag underneath the chair in front of me. Besides, I’ll make it on the plan eventually, and then what? Enjoy the stuffy air? The tiny seats?

It’s a good thing this flight is direct.

An exasperated sigh escapes me when I feel my phone buzzing in my pocket. I’m not at all surprised when I see Lucas’s name flashing on my caller ID. Of course, it’s Lucas. He’s probably going to hound me about whatever it is I forgot. It doesn’t matter. If I left my toothbrush behind, I can buy a new one. I press the hang-up button and return my phone to my pocket, but before I can release it, it buzzes again.

I scowl at my phone, rolling my eyes when I see Lucas’s name flashing again. The line is moving. I have no time to talk to him. There’s only about three people left before the gate agent gets to me. They’re moving unusually fast. None of them seem all that chatty. Fuck. I really don’t want to get out of line. He must be pocket dialing me. That has to be it. The phone stops buzzing and I assume it goes to voicemail. I wait for a moment, wondering if he’ll call me back. If he does, I will get out of line. The line moves forward and I’m next. My phone remains silent in my—

Fuck. There it goes again. I groan and stalk out of the line and toward the back where there are a group of people waiting for their zone to be called.

“This better be good,” I say angrily into the phone. “I was just in line about to board—”

“Rachel is in the hospital,” comes Lucas’s frantic voice.


Everything around me goes quiet. The only thing I can hear is my heart pounding in my ears. I waver on my feet, not knowing what I should do. Guilt stabs through me and all I can think is:I should be there with her.

“She suddenly lost her sight and then she just slid down to the ground.”

“What?” I say louder this time. “Are you with her now? Is she okay?”

“No, I’m not with her.” There’s a quiver in Lucas’s voice—like he’s doing everything in his power to keep from crying. “Hunter took her to the hospital. He’s with her right now. She was complaining about pain in her stomach.”

My heart stops beating. “Is she having a miscarriage?” I barely feel the words leaving my lips. I should be with her. I should have never left. There’s nothing I can do for her. I know that, but at least I could hold her hand, be with her during this terrible time.

“I-I don’t know.” There’s a long pause and I imagine Lucas taking deep breaths to calm himself. “I’m on my way to Mike’s place and then I’m going straight to the hospital to find out.”

“Wait. What?” Did I hear correctly? “Why are you on your way to Mike’s place?”

“Because I don’t know when Seth works.”

Fuck. Seth. My eyes widen and my heart starts pounding faster.

“Zone three may board,” I hear the gate agent say in the background.

I turn around, finding the groups of people waiting near my gate lessening. The line is thinning. If I don’t get in it, I can kiss my flight goodbye. Or better yet, my career. Susan is going to be pissed.

But this is family.

“Alright,” I begin while stalking away from the gate and toward the exit, “you check Mike’s place and I will check Fleet Feet.”

“Wait. What?”

“I’m not boarding,” I say harshly while dodging a couple walking easily toward me.

I pick up the pace, worrying Rachel will lose the baby before either of us can contact Seth. Even though he’s made it well known he wants nothing to do with us, he has the right to know. This could be his child.

“But, Alex, what about—”
