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“I told you they were up here fucking,” Hunter says.

Alex’s fingers stroke my nipples and I shudder while biting back a groan.

“So, is there any room for us to have fun, or is this a two-man job?” Lucas asks.

“There’s plenty of room,” Rachel says while wiggling away from me.

I lift my head. Alex’s fingers disappear, returning to Rachel’s breasts. I look around the room, feeling drunk and out of control. Rachel’s leg slides away from my hip and her hands push on my chest. I slip out of her pussy, earning a frustrated growl from Alex and a whine from Rachel. Their frustrations are only short-lived, however, when I lay down on the bed and Rachel crawls on top of me, straddling me on either side. I slide into her easily, a low groan escaping me as I reenter her. I hear movement coming from Lucas and Hunter, but I’m too focused on the ecstasy Rachel is giving me. She grinds against me while Alex moves in and out of her. My hands grab her hips, digging into her plush body.

Several minutes later, the bed is dipping and I find Lucas and Hunter kneeling on either side of us. Rachel leans over me, her breasts coming eye level as she sucks on Hunter’s dick. I cup her breasts, kissing them, taking both nipples into my mouth. She tightens around me. Hunter moans as I hear her sucking on him. Alex thrusts into Rachel harder. He’s about to come. I know it. I remember his movements, how his body twitched. Glancing over at his hand, I see it clenching the sheets. It’s even trembling. I thrust into Rachel harder, faster. She’s having difficulty balancing on top of me. She’s currently trying to suck Hunter off while giving Lucas a hand job. I have to give it to Rachel, the girl really knows how to work.

Alex gasps and I feel his thrusts slowing. I twitch, precum leaving me as I realize he’s seconds away from blowing. I glance up at him, watching him grit his teeth. He groans, his body thrusting into her one more time. “Yes,” he hisses as he comes inside her.

I pound into Rachel while Alex slips out of her. My body belongs to someone else. I can’t stop my hips from moving. I kiss her nipples, switching back and forth between them. Feeling them slapping my face as she sucks Hunter brings me over the edge. I thrust deep and hard into her, coming everything I can inside her. My body shivers and I thrust again before everything goes limp.

“Out of the way, Seth,” Hunter barks at me.

Rachel moves off me and I roll over, making room for Hunter and Lucas to have their way with her. I find myself sitting next to Alex, our backs pressed against the headboard. Rachel is on all fours. Hunter enters her from behind while she takes Lucas into her mouth. Both fuck her deep and hard and I feel my cock twitching, wanting to join in on the fun, but I’m already spent.

Alex strokes my arm and my gaze hardens on Hunter and Lucas, waiting for them to glance our way. I want to move away from Alex, but my body is too exhausted and so I sit there, enjoying the torture he’s putting me through. Hunter and Lucas are so focused on fucking Rachel. It should be fine, right?

Alex takes my hand, his fingers interlacing with mine. I don’t pull away, but I also don’t look at him. I watch Hunter and Lucas fuck Rachel hard, wondering how long Alex and I can keep this secret from them. Hopefully, forever. I don’t want any of this getting out, especially since I don’t even know how long this will last.

Chapter 3


Well,todayistheday. First day of class, the start of the semester. I groan and stretch my arms over my head as I walk down the staircase. The house permeates with coffee. I can already here Rachel rifling in the kitchen. At least, I think it’s Rachel. It could be Alex or Seth, preparing for their run. Although, they usually have a protein smoothie or bar before their runs. Coffee is typically reserved as a reward for working out this early in the morning.

Rachel’s sweet voice wafts toward me. She’s humming a tune I don’t know. It’s probably some pop song she heard on the radio during the week. She’s been going to the library more and more. I swear, if that girl doesn’t pass her classes this year with flying colors, I will be completely flabbergasted. I have never heard of someone preparing so thoroughly before the start of the school year.

I slip into the kitchen, pausing in the doorway when I find Rachel hovering over the coffee maker, pouring the brown liquid into a large, black thermos. She looks beautiful with her hair tied back in a low ponytail, the curls drifting down her back. I watch her twist the cap on, her dainty hands working gracefully, the golden rings on her fingers twinkling in the light. She’s wearing a green cardigan that brings out her eyes and a tan baggy shirt that goes down to mid-thigh. Her black leggings hug her legs, accenting her plush thighs and my cock twitches, reminded about how those legs were wrapped around me not that long ago.

I shake those thoughts away. Class is set to begin less than thirty minutes from now. I can’t afford to be late. Not on the first day. Maybe on the third or fourth week, but not now. I want to set a good impression for my professors. I’m hoping if I put in good work, they will recommend me of an internship program.

However, as I watch Rachel, I can’t help noticing there’s something about her that is definitely different. Her face is fuller, her cheeks more swollen. They look almost pink, but she may be wearing blush. Her thighs are bigger as well and I swear her breasts have grown not one, but two cups. Not that I’m complaining. She’s definitely put on a bit of weight. Of course, she doesn’t look bad. Rachel could never look ugly in my eyes. She’s like an angel that’s drifted down from the heavens, but I can’t help wondering if something else is going on. Frowning, I cross my arms, my gaze running up and down her form. She’s put on at least twenty pounds.

How long has this been going on? I haven’t noticed her eating any more than usual. I also haven’t been watching her every hour of every day, not that I should be. Maybe she’s snacking a bit more. Maybe she’s upset with her family and easing her nerves with food. Lots of people do that, but being a bit of a health nut myself, I’m worried she’s going to gain much more and be unhealthy. I’m fine with the whole body positivity movement. Women shouldn’t be sticks. Women should have curves, but I want her to be able to move without struggle. Anorexia is bad, but so is obesity. I want to grow old with her.

I should have been around more for her. Lucas is busy with the cafe and his new book. Seth and Alex have been gone the last two months training. She obviously needs someone to talk to, but I’ve been so busy this summer with lifeguarding at the pool and trying to find a job that will last through both semesters, with no such luck.

“Hunter,” Rachel calls, waving a hand in my face while she smiles up at me. “Earth to Hunter. Is anyone in there?”

I blink and immediately straighten, feeling foolish for staring so blatantly at her. “Sorry, I must have dozed off,” I say before clearing my throat. “Are you ready to go?”

Rachel side-steps me, her coconut shampoo filling my lungs. She could drown me in the scent of her and I would not care. “Yep! I made decaf. You should grab some before the others get to it. I have no clue when Alex and Seth are returning from their run. It could be any minute now.”

Everything after the word ‘decaf’ goes in one ear and out the other. “Decaf?” I ask, wondering if I heard incorrectly. Since when did Rachel drink decaf coffee? She’s always been a high energy type of person, asking for another shot of espresso or drinking three huge coffees. I didn’t think she even knew decaf existed.

“Yeah,” Rachel says without looking at me. She grabs her large purse near the door and throws it over one shoulder. “There’s about half a pot left.”

Yep, there is definitely something wrong. The weight gain, the decaf coffee, and the fact she doesn’t find any of this weird. Has she been abducted by aliens and currently trying to find her way back home? Is the person in front of me some sort of copy meant to distract us from her disappearance?

“Alright, we better get going or else we’re going to be late,” Rachel says while throwing open the door and marching her way towards my tiny car.

I run after her, closing the door softly behind me so as not to awaken Lucas. He can be cranky when he doesn’t get his beauty sleep. “Rachel!” I call after her, my jog slowing as I reach the car.

I unlock the door and watch her open the door. She’s still not looking at me, even when she rests her thermos on top of my car. It balances there, dangerously, tilting to one side as if it’s about to topple over. She begins to crouch down to enter the car, looking like she’s about to squat fifty pounds rather than simply sit down. Has she always done this? Has it always been a struggle to get into the passenger seat of my car?
