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My eyes water at the thought of losing one of my parents. “I’m sorry.”

She wipes a stray tear from her cheek. “Me too.”

We spend the afternoon playing with every toy I have, and when we get bored of them, we move on to playing hide and seek. She’s not a very good seeker, but I’m also the best at hiding. By the time her dad announces that it’s time for them to go, we are both exhausted. I walk her to the door and give her a hug goodbye.

“I’m really glad you moved across the street,” I tell her.

She smiles. “Me too. Bye, Gray.”

“Bye, Savi.”

PULLING UP TO SCHOOL the next day, I’m not entirely prepared to see Savannah again. In my plan to ruin her life, I never considered that she might be the most popular girl in school. It’s one thing to torment and torture someone who only has a couple of friends. It’s another to get away with doing it to the captain of the cheerleading squad. Still, I’m determined to get my revenge. I just need to be more careful and calculated about it.

I park my car and get out, walking up to the front steps. I decide to have one last cigarette before going inside. Just as I start to light it, that same familiar Escalade pulls up out front. I can see through the mirror as Savannah reaches over and gives the driver a hug before getting out. She starts to walk toward the doors when she stops. As if she can sense my presence, she turns to look at me. Her eyes start at my face and move down my body. When she reaches my hand, she frowns—clearly spotting the lit cigarette.

A decade ago, I wouldn’t have dreamed of doing anything that causes her even the slightest bit of upset. If she told me I shouldn’t do something, I’d drop it in a heartbeat. But now? I bring the cigarette up to my mouth and take a long pull. She stares intently as I exhale. It’s nothing more than a silent fuck you, and she knows it.

Her shoulders fall and she turns away, continuing her walk inside. However, when the sun hits her just right, I notice the light reflecting off a chain around her neck. For a brief second, I wonder if it’s the same necklace I got her for her tenth birthday, but I quickly brush that thought off. She destroyed my entire life while still acting like my best friend. If she did keep the gift, it’s probably tossed in one of her many jewelry boxes somewhere.

I finish my cigarette and walk inside, deciding to

skip my locker and head straight to class. I wave hello to Delaney as I take the desk I sat in yesterday. She and I really need to get together and catch up. We haven’t talked since the day before my mom and I left town. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss her and her crazy-ass sister.

A couple minutes after the bell rings, the door opens, and in walks Carter and the rest of the gang—including Savannah. She’s laughing at something Jace said, and I grip the edge of the desk to keep my cool. It’s not that I’m jealous. I just don’t believe she deserves anything good in life. If Jace wants to fuck her, then….yeah, no. Over my dead body.

I fist bump Carter as he walks by and takes the desk behind me. Kinsley smiles flirtatiously and slips into her seat. Then, I spot Savannah. She stops short as she sees me, and something unfamiliar flickers in her eyes. She looks like she’s fighting an intense mental battle before she runs her fingers through her hair.

“You’re in my seat.” She tells me, and well, I may not be able to do much until I figure out the social dynamic in this place, but this is one thing I can do.

I chuckle and raise my brows at her. “I’m not moving.”

Looking around, she spots the only other available seat—next to Delaney. I half expect for her to smile triumphantly, since it should hardly be an inconvenience to sit next to her best friend, but instead, she frowns.

“Grayson, just go sit over there.”

“No, thanks. I’m good.” I cross my arms over my chest.

The teacher clears his throat behind us. “Miss Montgomery, is there a problem?”

She rolls her eyes before she focuses them on me, glaring. “Nope.”

Kinsley snickers next to me as Savannah makes her way to the seat across the room. However, she shuts up as soon as Sav turns around and glowers at her. I make a mental note to pay attention to the relationship between the two of them, but first I want to see what’s up with her and Delaney.

Throughout class, I subtly glance their way, only to find them completely refusing to look at each other. It’s strange to see them like this. Hell, there were times I was sure Savannah liked Delaney more than me—something she always denied, but it still made me wonder. Now, it’s like they were never friends at all.

THE BELL RINGS AND the entire class gets up. Savannah is out the door like she’s in some kind of hurry, but it’s probably just to get away from me. Good, I make her nervous. I mouth for Delaney to wait for me, and thankfully she listens. After telling Carter and Jace that I’ll meet them at the lockers, I head out the door.

“Okay, so what was that?” Laney asks as soon as I’m close enough.

I tilt my head to the side. “What was what?”

“That.” She points toward the classroom. “In there. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you and Savannah act that way toward each other.”

“Yeah, well.” I shrug. “We’re not the same kids we used to be. Speaking of which, what’s up with you and Savannah? You two hardly acknowledged each other.”

Delaney looks down at her sweatshirt sleeve and plays with it, almost like a distraction or a nervous habit. “I wish I knew. After you moved away, things were different. Her dad sold their house a year after you left, and I didn’t see or talk to Savannah for a while. Tessa either. It was like she fell off the face of the earth.”

My brows furrow. “But you two go to school together.”
