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“Classy,” I say with an eye roll.

He shrugs. “What can I say? I’m a man of many talents.”

“I’m sure you are.” I smirk and slip inside. “I need a couple empty bottles of vodka. You got some?”

He looks confused, but goes over to his recycling bin and pulls out two. I take them from him and head to the sink, filling each one to the brim with water. My father is too drunk to know the difference anyway, and maybe it’ll hydrate him some. Knox watches my actions with amusement.

“You don’t think he’s going to notice that’s not really alcohol?”

“Nope. I could convince him sugar is cocaine right now. He’s too drunk to tell.”

He nods. “Sounds like a party.”

Not wanting to stay and make small talk, I make my way back toward the front door. “Thanks for the bottles, shithead.”

“No problem, Princess.”

It only takes a couple minutes to get back and as soon as I walk in, my father grabs the bottles from my hands. “See? You are good for something.”

One of his friends looks me up and down. “I’m sure she’d be good for something else, too.”

My dad laughs, despite the fact that this creep is hitting on his underage daughter. I ignore them completely and go straight to my room, locking the door behind me and barricading it with a chair against the knob, just in case those perverts get any sick ideas while I’m sleeping.

I take the money out of my pocket and slip it in the envelope labeled “bills.” Then, I put headphones on and drown them out with the beautiful sound of Ed Sheeran. Placing my school-issued laptop on my bed, I place my fingers on the keys and get to work on my essay.

THE NEXT MORNING, I’M already in a bad mood. My father and his idiotic friends managed to break a window last night, and there were two major altercations where bottles were shattered. Needless to say, I got practically no sleep at all.

I’m quiet as Brady drives me to school, drifting in and out of sleep in the passenger seat. He tells me to have a good day, like a caring big brother, and I make my way into the building. When I get to my locker, Carter looks me up and down.

“Late night with the boy toy?” he inquires, only half joking, but I don’t give him an answer. If they want to think that’s why I’m so exhausted, so be it. It’s better than the truth.

The bell rings, but as I go to walk to class, Grayson steps in front of me, blocking my way. Some of our friends stop to wait, but he gives them a look that makes them all walk away. So much for loyalty.

I watch him expectantly, too tired to argue, but he doesn’t say anything. Once the hallways are empty, he spins us and pins me to the lockers. My back slams against the cold, hard metal as his hand wraps around my neck.

“Does your boyfriend know what a fucking liar you are?” he spits. The anger seeping out of him is evident as I pull at his wrist.

“I’m not a liar, and I haven’t done anything to you. Get off me!”

A low growl emits from the back of his throat. “Sweet Savi, always playing the victim.”

“Don’t call me that.” I try to maintain my composure, but everything coming out of his mouth has the potential to break me. “If you don’t like me, fine. Just leave me alone.”

He laughs darkly. “That’s the thing, I don’t just not like you. I despise you, and I’m going to make sure you know just how much.”

Putting a little more pressure on my neck, he pushes himself away from me and walks toward the classroom, leaving me panting, and for the first time in my life, wondering if Grayson Hayworth has the potential to literally kill me.



I can feel Savannah’s eyes on me as I leave her standing there, scared and alone. To be honest, I may have gotten slightly carried away with the way I practically choked her before letting go, but I couldn’t help it. I thought she would at least have the decency to own what she did. Instead, she played innocent and pretended she had no idea what my problem is with her. It infuriated me.

With more force than necessary, I pull the door open and step inside the classroom. Mr. Englewood’s eyebrows raise at my expression.

“Nice of you to join us, Mr. Hayworth.” He gestures forward. “Take your seat so I can continue teaching.”

I don’t bother answering him as I move to my desk and slip into it. Carter and Jace are watching me curiously, probably wondering where Savannah is, but Kinsley gives me a bright smile—one I return as best I can. If she wasn’t so fake all the time, and didn’t sleep with half the damn town, she would probably make a pretty good distraction from everything. Unfortunately for her, STDs aren’t on my wish list.
