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Taking my phone out, I send a text to Brady.

Savannah: What happened after you and Grayson fought?

Thankfully, he responds almost instantly.

Brady: He was arrested. Jake wanted to press charges but I declined. Why? Are you okay?

I don’t need to ask to know that Brady didn’t tell him. He must have somehow gotten one of the officers at the precinct to give him information on me. I try to get a handle on my breathing, but it’s pointless.

Savannah: Not even a little.

TODAY IS DEFINITELY ONE I could have gone my whole life without living. I keep to myself, not in the mood to partake in the usual obnoxious conversations Carter starts. Brady had offered to come back and pick me up, but that’s only giving Grayson a silent message that he wins—that I’m running away scared. I may be a lot of things, liar included, but I’m not a coward.

Throughout the day, he watches me with a smug look on his face, as if mentally telling me he could ruin my life with the snap of his fingers. I do my best to ignore it, but I can’t. My reputation is the only good thing in my life other than dance, and it rests in the palm of his hands. I can only imagine what the kids in this school would do to me if they knew the truth.

“So, remember. Party tonight. My place. Starts around ten,” Jace reminds everyone, then looks at me. “Sav, you coming?”

I want to say no, not really in the mood to party with a bunch of people who are bound to hate me soon, but for some reason my eyes drift over to Grayson. He raises his eyebrows, as if challenging me to say yes. I know if I back down now, I don’t stand a chance in hell.

“Yeah, I’ll be there.”

Jace smiles triumphantly. “Sweet. You can bring your boyfriend with you if you want.”

Grayson snorts, but quickly covers it with a cough. I glare at him before answering. “W-we broke up.”

“Damn, really?!” Carter looks shocked. “You two have been together since freshman year.”

I shrug. “Nothing lasts forever.”

Emma places a supportive hand on my back, and I smile sweetly at her before my attention is pulled back to Jace.

“Well, remember what I said,” he winks. “Just say the word and I’ll pick you up.”

I can’t help but laugh, though the smile falls of my face as I notice Grayson’s murderous eyes on him. I don’t know what the fuck his deal is, but he doesn’t get to torment me and get jealous over me, too. He laid his cards on the table and chose where we stand. He can’t take that back now.

THE LOUD MUSIC IS practically deafening as Brady pulls up to the house. It’s not the first time I’ve been to one of Jace’s parties, but they only seem to get bigger. People fill both the inside of the house and the backyard. It’s a known rule that every room is free game except Jace’s. I wonder what his parents would think about the number of people who have had sex in their bed.

“Are you sure you’re going to be all right?” Brady asks.

I nod. “I’ll be fine. I just need to be here to prove a point.”

“And that is?”

“That I’m not backing down. If Grayson wants to ruin my life, he’s doesn’t get to do it without a fight. He doesn’t get to break me that easily.”

Brady smiles. “That’s my Rocky. I can stay if you want.”

“No.” I shake my head. “I already told them today that we broke up. There’s no way I’m giving him a reason to come after you again. And besides, it’s one less thing he can hold over my head.”

He looks hesitant, but knows there isn’t much he can do about this. I’ve made my decision, and that’s all there is to it.

“Well, be careful. Call me if you need a ride home.”

“I will.”

Giving him a hug goodbye, I climb out of the car and go inside. It’s so

loud inside that I can barely hear myself think. The house is packed, and there are already drinks spilled on the floor. Typical Jace London party.
