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I manage to finish my breakfast while avoiding most small talk, then immediately head up to my room under the pretenses of needing to get ready. As soon as I turn the lock on my door, I grab my pack of cigarettes and go over to the window. Sitting on the roof used to be my favorite place when I needed a second to think. I did it when my parents would fight. When I did something wrong and got in trouble. When my feelings for my best friend started becoming a little less platonic and a little more real. It was the one place where no one would bother me, other than the waterfall. I’m still not sure anyone knows that’s there, minus the only person I shared it with.

I take a puff of my cigarette, letting the smoke fill my lungs then exhaling all my stress along with it. Like a bad habit, my eyes instinctively glance over to the house across the street—the one I spent more time in than my own. I can still remember using flashlights with our own personal Morse code at night. If only she used that code to tell me my life was about to get flipped upside down. But of course, she didn’t. Not when she was partly to blame.

Putting out the cig on the shingles of the roof, I swallow down the anger burning inside of me and climb back into my bedroom. Today, I kick my plan into action, and I need to be ready. She doesn’t know what’s coming to her—which is exactly how I want it.

HAVEN GRACE PREP IS everything I imagined it would be. The parking lot is filled with cars that cost more than your average house. Arrogant rich kids roam the halls, their biggest concern being where their next vacation will be. Their naiveté is infuriating. What’s worse is knowing that, had my life not been permanently altered by someone else’s actions, I’d probably be no different than these trust fund brats.

Despite having the money to live wherever we wanted, my mother leaned on her sister for support—her sister that absolutely refuses to spend more than necessary. They both come from a wealthy family, but none of that matters to Aunt Lauren. She insists that her kids go to public school and earn all the expensive things they want. Following her example, my mother did the same with me, and I’m glad for it. It taught me not to be like these spoiled pricks with their heads stuck up their asses.

“Hey, fucker.” Speaking of pricks.

I fist bump Carter before nodding at Jace. “What’s up?”

“Just another day in hell. How are you liking it so far?”

My shoulders shrug before my eyes land on a girl who has her skirt rolled up high enough to see her ass hanging out. “Can’t really complain.”

He grins. “That’s my man, but maybe not that one. I’m pretty sure J almost caught syphilis from her last year.”

Jace punches Carter in the arm. “Fuck off, asshole. I wouldn’t let that bitch anywhere near my dick.”

“Yeah, yeah, sure. You’re a virgin monk.” He waves him off. “Who do you have for first period?”

I pull the folded-up schedule out of my pocket and skim over it with my eyes. “Mr. Englewood.”

“Sweet. That’s where we’re all at.” He pulls the paper out of my hands. “They must have realized you’re on the team. All our classes are the same but one. Come on, your locker is right next to mine.”

We walk down the hallway, with Carter and Jace on either side of me. As we approach, four of the girls I recognize from the cheerleading team are standing there with Hayden and Wyatt. Two of them straighten up as soon as they notice me, playing with their hair in a poor attempt to be subtle.

“Hey, Grayson,” one greets me, but I can’t seem to remember her name. Kasey or Cassy, I think.

Carter snorts. “Easy, Kinsley, your desperate is showing.”

“Suck it, Carter.”

“Ah-ah, sucking is your specialty. I’m more of a licking guy.” He sticks his tongue out for emphasis, making Kinsley cringe. Then, as if someone is missing, he looks around. “Where’s your captain?”

They all look as clueless as Carter does until one, who I believe is Emma, looks down at her phone. “I tried texting her but she hasn’t answered.”

“Why are you so concerned about her anyway?” Kinsley spits.

Carter laughs and doesn’t even give her a response. Whoever this girl is, there are clearly some issues between her and little miss spitfire over here.

“All right man, this locker is yours.” He knocks on one of them then moves to the one next to it. “This one is mine, and the one next to it is Jace’s. Hayden and Wyatt are on the other side of you.”

“Cool, thanks.” I put in the combination and open it, tossing my bag carelessly inside just before a short tune plays through the speakers. “What the fuck was that?”

Hayden looks slightly uncomfortable. “The bell. We should get going.”

Jace chuckles. “Don’t listen to him. He just doesn’t like bending the rules. We’ll get there when we get there.”

I nod and follow in step as we all start heading toward another hallway. Kinsley makes sure to slot herself right against my side, all but pushing Wyatt out of the way. I briefly let my eyes rake over her body. Her dark brown hair almost clashes against her pasty white skin, but she’s not entirely unappealing. I don’t think I’d date her, since I’m entirely noncommittal, but I’d probably let her blow me a time or two.

“Come on. You can sit next to me,” she says, wrapping her hands around my biceps. Jace and Carter snicker as I roll my eyes and let her lead the way.

The teacher pauses as we noisily enter the room. He eyes me suspiciously, but I don’t have a minute to introduce myself as I’m pulled to a desk toward the back of the room. Kinsley takes the one next to me while Carter and Jace slip in behind us.

“Mr. Hayworth, nice of you to join us,” Mr. Englewood greets me. “You are my new student, aren’t you?”
