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He nods and leads us through a set of double doors. “She’s in the ICU. I suspect she’ll probably be there for a couple days.” Pressing the button on the elevator, we walk inside as soon as the doors open. “She’s still out from the anesthesia, but she should wake up within an hour or so.”

Turning into the room, all the air leaves my lungs. Savannah is lying on the bed, hooked up to all different kinds of monitors. She looks so weak and helpless, the total opposite of everything she stands for. I swallow down the lump in my throat and press a kiss to her forehead.

“God, Savi. I’m so fucking sorry. I should’ve known you’d confront him. I never should have told you.”

Brady places a supportive hand on my shoulder, and for once, I don’t push him off. “She’s going to be okay.”

“That’s not the point.” I pull a chair closer to the bed and hold her hand as I sit down. “I should’ve been there to protect her.”

AFTER A VERY DIFFICULT phone call with a panicked Delaney, and a half hour interview with an officer asking what happened, Savannah finally starts to stir. Her eyes blink open, and she groans from the light. Once Brady shuts it off, her blue eyes meet mine.

“Hey, gorgeous.”

She smiles tiredly. “Hi.”

Her voice is hoarse, and I can tell by the look on her face that even something as simple as breathing hurts. I wish I could take that pain away—put myself in her place so she wouldn’t have to feel an ounce of it.

Brady sighs in relief when he hears her voice and sees her respond to his face with a smile. “I’ll go get the doctor.”

Savannah looks around for a second before furrowing her brows at me. “Where’s my phone?”

It’s an odd request, but I’m assuming she just wants to keep Delaney in the loop. “Probably with the rest of your things. It’s okay. I called Laney already. She’s on her way.”

She looks as if she’s going to say something else, but the doctor comes in to do an exam. He checks her pupils and the strength in her limbs before upping her pain medicine to something a little more comfortable for her. The second he steps out, the same officer from earlier enters.

“Miss Montgomery?” he asks, and she nods. “I’m Officer Jenson with the North Haven PD. Do you mind if I ask you a couple questions about what happened today?”

I stand, knowing he’s going to ask me to leave, but she grabs my hand. “Can he stay?”

“If that would make you more comfortable, I don’t see why not.” She relaxes, and I sit back down, lacing my fingers with hers. Officer Jenson pulls out his notepad. “So, let’s start with the most important question. Who did this to you?”

“My father,” she answers confidently.

“And what brought this on? Did you two have an argument?”

A humorless laugh bubbles out of her and she winces. “This isn’t the first time he’s laid a hand on me. He’s a drunk, a drug addict, and a horrible human being. The only difference between today and all the times he’s hit me before is that his goal today was to kill me.”

The officer looks startled. “Did he tell you that?”

The moment she nods, my every fear becomes alarmingly real. She could have died today, and I would have been left without her. I already know what that’s like, and I’m not willing to go back to it.

Savannah spends fifteen minutes giving the officer a step by step account of what happened. When he’s finished writing things down, I notice two more officers appear in the doorway.

“What happens from here?” I question.

“Well, we’re currently out looking for Mr. Montgomery, but we haven’t been able to find him yet.” He explains. “So, until we do, there will be round the clock security outside your room.”

Sav’s jaw drops. “It’s that serious?”

“Given your statement, and the extent of your injuries, your father is being charged with attempted murder, and we take that very seriously.”

“Attempted murder?” Delaney shrieks as she comes in. Her eyes narrow on me. “You said she was injured, not almost killed!”

Brady enters behind her. “I tried to keep her in the waiting room. She’s like a freight train.”

Laney looks over Savannah, and she instantly starts to cry. “My goodness, look at you.”

“I’m okay,” she tries, but not a single person in this room believes her.
