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“My brother.” Josephine narrows her eyes at him.

“What about your brother?” Emily comes over, completely oblivious.

All their eyes widen as they try to think of something to say, but I simply laugh. “Just that you’re dating him. They didn’t know.”

“Oh, yeah.” She responds, smiling at the thought of Brandon. “Hey, since you guys are here, can you help us hang this banner? We almost had it but then someone let it go.” She glares at Jo playfully.

“Sure.” They both agree, and follow her over to the wall it goes on.

AN HOUR LATER, EVERYONE is finally here and I get the text from Brandon that they’re almost home. Heather watches out the window for the car, telling us as soon as it pulls up. We all get into position as Dan and Brandon come in with the birthday boy.

“SURPRISE!” We all shout excitedly.

Holden smiles brightly, searching the room until his eyes land on me. He makes his way through the sea of people, thanking them for coming and saying he will be right back.

“You did all this?”

I shrug. “I had some help.”

He embraces me tightly, kissing my cheek. “Thank you, baby.”

“Are you surprised?” I pull away to see his expression.

“Yes.” He lies. I look at him knowingly and he cracks. “Okay, no. You and Brandon are worse than toddlers at lying, but I love it anyway.”

I chuckle, kissing him a few times before we’re interrupted by a few of his friends from high school. He grins happily as he keeps me at his side, introducing me as his fiancé to just about anyone who will listen. They all wish him a happy birthday and congratulate him on getting into the NHL.

It shouldn’t surprise me when I see Bianca walk in. They have a lot of the same friends, so her hearing about the party was practically inevitable. Still, the sight of her makes me cringe and I must remind myself of the talk I had with Emily. You have nothing to worry about.

I’M STANDING NEAR THE bar, getting another drink and joking with Emily and Jo, when Brandon comes over and groans loudly.

“That girl is worse than herpes.” He comments, glancing back at where Bianca managed to get Holden alone.

I watch them carefully, seeing her twirling her hair around her finger and trying her hardest to flirt with him. Josephine and Em glance back and forth between me and them, eyes wide like they’re wondering what’s going to happen. After a minute or so, I feel content and look away.

“Aren’t you going to go over there?” Jo asks as I take a sip of my drink.

“Nope.” I reply simply, looking down at my ring and smiling.

“Aww.” Emily coos. “Look at you being all grown up and trusting.”

I laugh, no longer paying any attention to the girl trying to achieve the impossible. “Yeah, well I figure he’s going to be away a lot. There are going to be tons of women throwing themselves at him. I know Holden. I may not trust them, but I do trust him. That’s all that matters.”

“With you only taking my advice once in your entire life, I’m glad it’s on this.”

Jo is still watching Holden, making a face whenever Bianca tries to make her cleavage more visible. “Ugh. It’s like she honestly believes he will sleep with her if she looks slutty enough.”

The three of us chuckle as she can’t look away. Holden is clearly uncomfortable, his eyes begging me for an out. I almost feel bad for him, but then I remember she’s in his life because of his own actions. So instead of rescuing him, I raise my eyebrows and my glass, then take a sip while his jaw drops.

Twenty minutes later, he finally manages to escape her. He comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. “Thanks for helping me out, oh wait, you didn’t.” He jokes.

I lean my head back against his shoulder and giggle. “Oh, is that what you wanted?” I feign innocence. “I thought you were excited.”

“Mhm.” He mumbles. “I’m so sure.”

The two of us sway to the beat of the music, his body pressed against mine. I bring my hand up and hold onto the back of his neck, not missing the way Bianca glares at us from across the room. As I grind my ass into him, he moans softly against my skin.

JUST AS THE SUN goes down, Holden takes the microphone from the DJ. The booming sound of his voice over the speakers catches everyone’s attention.
